1. Mini Story 4

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The Avengers have decided to go out for the evening to a nice restaurant, because Prisha has just told them the amazing news, that she's pregnant. It wasn't planned, but she definitely wanted a child. She didn't necessarily want one so young, but thanks to Lavina saving her, she's stuck as an 18 year old for the next 30 years. On their way home, they find a body, but the body isn't normal. The body is flattened, faceless, unidentifiable. They did a bit of investigating the area, but couldn't figure anything out, though some of the Avengers did feel as though they were being watched. They called the Police and headed home.

Throughout the next few weeks, Peneleope Coulson is out a lot, Ashley and Stacey seem to disappear from time to time, not really telling anyone when or where they're off too. Tasia gives birth to a blue eyed, blonde haired girl and names her Frigga, after her mother.

As the weeks go on, Penny is rarely seen, and Ashley and Stacey go out every few days, sometimes they're gone for days at a time. When the others ask them about, they just get "We were just doing something." They're suspicious, but they're not coming home injured, so that's a plus. Tasia and Prisha start to think it's their fault, that this is to do with their lost soulmates and the fact that these two have moved on. Of course, they haven't really moved on, but they didn't want their sadness to stop their lives from continuing, with such long lives, they didn't want to waste them. Nian has taken control of the Avengers really, since Ashley and Stacey have kind of left them. But after a little while, Nian starts acting strange too. Sometimes it's like he's not there and other times everything's completely fine.

One morning, the Avengers wake up and head to breakfast, they now all have breakfast together, it's been routine since the snap. But when the Avengers start turning up, they realise some of them are missing... Penny, Ashley, Stacey and Rocket are gone. After they've searched the mansion, they ask Friday but she doesn't reply to them. Nebula and Nian work together to try and track their missing team members down, and to try and get Friday to help. They learn that Friday has shut them out, so they start hacking into her. The AI is Ashley's, so it's very complex, they know it's going to take a while, so they work on it a bit each day. Sometimes Nebula works on it on her own, Nian is there, but he just stares off into space...


Nian, Regina, Tasia, Lavina, Nebula, Prisha and Warren gather. Nian speaks "We've been told about an alien... apartment block? There are aliens, and Inhumans, who Penny has said are supposedly harmless-" The team are a little relieved to hear from Penelope Coulson, only Nian has spoken to her, but they at least now know that she's okay probably just very busy "-She and her team over time have been relocating aliens and Inhumans they've rescued and believe are worthy of freedom to live out their lives. Apparently they mean us no harm, they want nothing but peace... But we need to be sure." Regina asks "She's only just told us?" "Yeah, now that she's Director of SHIELD, her team are going to be working from HQ instead of out and about, so she wanted us to be aware of the other residents of New York." Prisha shrugs "At least we're all in New York now, us and the Asgardians out here on the outskirts, SHIELD HQ and Avengers Tower right in the city centre and now these guys..." "Their apartment block is on the outskirts of the city centre. Lavina, Nebula and Warren, you're going there to check them out." Tasia speaks up "I want to go." And Prisha joins in "Yeah, me too!" Nian shakes his head "Tasia... alright, but don't overwork yourself, you only had your baby 2 months ago. But prisha, no way, you're pregnant. You know the deal. No missions."

Tasia, Lavina, Nebula and Warren head out of the mansion, getting into a car with the address.

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