Can You Have Sex on Your Period? Pros and Cons of Period Sex

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Some people prefer to not have sex when they're menstruating; others enjoy it. The choice is always yours, but a bit of forethought can make it safer and more enjoyable.

You still need to use protection if you have sex during your period. There is a higher risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and a tiny (but still real) chance of getting pregnant. So, if you decide to have sex during this time, it's a good idea to use protection if you wish to avoid pregnancy.

Pros of period sex

Having sex on your period has a few advantages, including:

- Relief from menstrual cramps: Orgasms provide natural relief from menstrual pain. During female orgasm, the muscles of the uterus contract and release, which can offer some relief from cramps. Orgasms can also release endorphins that make us feel good.

- Shorter periods: Having sex can shorten your period. The contracting of the uterus during an orgasm can speed up the shedding of your uterine lining.

- More enjoyable sex: For many women, having sex during their period can be even more pleasurable than having sex at other times of the month. This is due to hormonal fluctuations that can change your libido.

- Reduced headaches: According to a 2013 study, having sex during your period may reduce migraine and cluster headache pain for some women.

Things to keep in mind

Although having sex on your period has certain perks, there are also a few downsides:

- It can be messy

- Your cervix is more open during your period, which increases the risk of STIs if you don't use a condom.

- Bedding or clothing might get stained

Can you get pregnant during period sex?

Although the odds of conceiving are very low during your period, it's not impossible.

Getting pregnant depends on when ovulation occurs in your cycle. This varies from person to person, and for the same person, it might even vary from month to month. You can only get pregnant from having vaginal sex during your period if you ovulate early in your cycle, or if your period is longer than four or five days.

Another consideration is the lifespan of the sperm. Sperm can live in your uterus for up to five days. If you have intercourse near the end of your period, that sperm may still be present when you ovulate if you ovulate early.

Tips for period sex

If you're interested in getting the most enjoyment out of period sex, these tips may be helpful:

- Open communication with your partner is the best way to find out if you're both interested in period sex.

- Laying on a dark-coloured towel can prevent stains.

- Wet wipes are great for post-period sex cleanup.

- Tampons should always be removed before putting anything else in the vagina.

- A latex condom will protect you and your partner against STIs and pregnancy. Using an internal condom will make cleanup easier.

- Periods are usually lighter in the last few days, so many people prefer to have sex then.

- Cold water and hydrogen peroxide are great for cleaning up any stains that may occur on bedding or clothing.

How about oral sex?

If you and your partner consent to it, oral sex doesn't have to be off limits during your period. If you decide to go for it, you might want to focus on the clitoris. You can leave your tampon or cup in during oral sex.

Sex can involve a wide range of fluids and excretions, including sweat, urine, sperm, and vaginal fluids. The presence of menstrual blood shouldn't automatically deter you from intercourse. Research has found that anywhere from 3 to 30 percent of people have sex during their periods, so if this is something you enjoy, you're not alone.

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