Why Chlamydia Often Goes Untreated

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Chlamydia trachomatis is a pathogen found in the cells of human reproductive organs, which is transmitted through unprotected sex.

According to the World Health Organization, 90 million people are infected with chlamydia every year.

Chlamydia symptoms are typical of many gynecological infections:

- Heavy vaginal discharge

- Painful and burning urination

- Spotting between periods

- Discomfort during sex

However, it's important to know that the disease may have no symptoms at all, so an infected person may not even be aware that they have it.

Chlamydia left untreated can have serious side effects on your health, such as:

- Tubal factor infertility. Chlamydia can cause adhesions of the uterine tubes, which can cause damage. The risk of serious damage to the uterine tubes increases if one catches the infection repeatedly and it is not treated with appropriate antibiotics.

- Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis), causing abnormal discharge and irregular bleeding.

- Inflammation of the uterine lining (endometriosis)

To avoid the infection, it is recommended that you:

- Use condoms

- Exercise caution with new sexual partners until you know their STI status.

- Undergo regular testing for STIs

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