One in Ten Women Experience Endometriosis

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(okay random weird thing, idk if it even matters but i personally feel like the cover photos help tell the story sometimes but i just found out that the dark mode doesn't show the photos but browser and white mode do, so if you didn't already know, in both books and in every chapter, there's a cover photo that kinda gives you an idea of things but in a very clean manner lol)

Endometrium is the inner uterine lining. Normally, endometrial cells can be found inside the uterus only.

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrium-like cells start growing beyond the uterine cavity. About 176 million women worldwide experience this condition.

Multiple external factors can lead to endometriosis. There may be some genetic causes as well. It's diagnosed more often in women who are experiencing difficulty in conceiving, chronic pelvic pain, and/or heavy painful periods.

In endometriosis, endometrium-like cells can be found on the ovaries, outer uterine walls, and uterine tubes. They can even spread to the peritoneum, intestines, and more distant organs.

Diagnosing endometriosis often requires complex examination or even surgical intervention. Relieving symptoms and treating endometriosis is usually a long process.

If you are experiencing endometriosis, it's best to find a doctor who specializes in its treatment.

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