How to Ask Your Partner About STI Testing

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If you've ever wondered about the best way to discuss getting an STI test with your partner, you might find these tips from a psychologist to be helpful:


Being psychologically prepared reduces stress, helping you feel more confident. You can start by talking to people close to you (family and friends) who also take care of their health. This can help you feel more confident and learn to speak more freely about this topic. It's like exercise: the more you train, the easier your workouts get.

Choose The Right Environment

Selecting an environment where you can feel comfortable to talk may give you confidence that you're in control of the situation.

Think about a time and place where you are not likely to get interrupted or distracted. Imagine yourself having the conversation as a way to prepare.

If you're embarrassed, say so. You might say, "I'm nervous about talking to you about this, but I really care about you and think sexual health is important." Strange as it may seem, admitting you feel anxious will reinforce your notion that the situation is manageable and make it easier to continue.

Useful Tips For An Unexpected Outcome

If your partner isn't very receptive, let them know how important being healthy is to you. Make it clear that your request isn't because you don't trust them, but because you know how common STIs are.

If your partner refuses or you find yourself in the moment, let them know you will only practice safe sex. You can tell them, "we haven't gotten tested yet, so we need to use a condom to stay safe."

Requests and clear statements increase your chances of having your needs met. You might say, "I'd like to..," "It's important for me to..," "I prefer..," or "Let's get tested..."

Don't let the delicate nature of the conversation stop you. Taking responsibility to look after your health is a basic instinct, and it shows that you care about yourself and your partner.

It's best to take STI tests every once in a while to rule out infections.

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