What Are the Dangers of Unprotected Sex?

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Unprotected sexual contact (when no condoms are used) may lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

A person may sometimes not be aware they have an STI since many don't have any outward signs or symptoms. One can transmit infection without even knowing it.

It's best to avoid sex if a partner has:

- Rash, condylomas (warts or bumps), inflammation, swelling, redness, or soreness in the genital area.

- Abnormal foul-smelling discharge

- Swollen lymph nodes in the groin

To protect from most STIs, it's important to use condoms when having not only vaginal sex but also oral and anal sex. However, condoms don't protect against pubic lice, scabies, or HPV (the virus is transmitted through any contact with an infected person's genitals and the skin around them).

It is important to know that many individuals with HIV infection are not aware of their status. Whenever you have a new partner, it's best to use protection until both of you have been tested for STIs.

i know im fairly "old school" but that's why i wouldn't sleep around, especially in this day in age. everybody sleeping around with everybody. no telling what some will catch, and probably die from, by the time they're 25, that's just sad to me.
im not here to judge anybody, do you, but be careful. stay safe, always.
that's one thing i absolutely love about my marriage, we share the same values, we both aimed to wait until marriage. i was brutally assaulted at 18, met him at 19 so i wasn't a virgin due to the rape but i was so inexperienced lol and he was 21 when we met, he was a virgin and once we knew we were unbelievably in love and knew we would get married one day, we did it. it didn't take long either, our entire relationship was a bit fast paced but not alarmingly so.
he was my manager at work, i quit the day of our first date, moved in with him about a month after our first date, he proposed three months and a week after our first date, and we've been together five years.
just a fun little story time 🥰
he's Italian, im Irish, we're both third generation, his parents are from the north mine are from the south, he once said were a modern day Romeo and Juliet (because everybody and everything was trying to keep us apart- there was a huge fight about my dress colour at one point lmk if i should do mini story times lol i should just write a while damn book tbh 😂😂😂)

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