Feeling Down After Sex Can Be Normal

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Feeling sad or tearing up after unforgettable sex is common. About 46 percent of women report feeling down after they orgasm.

During orgasm, the "happiness hormones" called endorphins are released, creating strong positive emotions. Once the peak of enjoyment is achieved, your hormones return to their initial state. After the recent euphoric spike, the decline back to normal may result in a mood drop.

Feeling down shortly after sex is normal. The brain will most likely readjust soon.

fvck being sad after an orgasm, have you ever hit a climax so hard or had an orgasm so good that you cry?? literal tears fall from your eyes because it hits in the most glorious way?!
(never happened to me lol i saw it in a Mandy Moore movie once)

** i don't think i can recall any particular time where i've felt down or sad specifically after an orgasm. 🤔 have you??
i think my biggest issue is just having endometriosis in general; along with it comes severe pain and severe depression so that's more my issue (before, during and after sex tbh 🤷‍♀️)

In all honesty, i have endo, duh, so things aren't as fun for me as they should be 🙄😒 so once in a blue moon when we actually decide i should try to climax, and immediately when i do; intense pain so bad i can't move. it's been so bad at times where i've gotten very badly sick. a normal for me is breaking out in a red rash and being clammy and nauseated and just horrible intense pain in my ovary 😭

Sex for me just isn't a good time. It's really not. It doesn't feel good. It actually makes me feel horribly sick and it puts my entire body in intense pain. But I have a 25 year old husband, I cannot be celibate lol
So, we have what I would call a pretty healthy & normal sex life (other than the fact that im legit broken and can't do it)
So, I kind of just try to enter a calming mindset and pray or meditate as he does what he needs to do, essentially i act as a living sex doll for my husband, he tries to be as gentle as possible and i try not to complain too much when he's doing it, but honestly it hurts so much sometimes that (if we're standing) he has to hold me up because I'll be sliding down to the ground because my knees will give out. I'm in such great pain that I'll get these red blotches on my skin, gnarly stress rashes.
I've talked to doctors and specialists; there's no cure. All they can do is give you advice. Heck, I can do that. Nothing will make it manageable, really. There is no cure, you just have to live with this painful monster inside of your tummy.
After doing sex, more times than not I'll have to take something for the pain because it's just so unbearably bad. Ibuprofen sometimes helps if the pain isn't too advanced. I think if you're having the same issue, to maybe take the meds before you guys do it so that it's already trying to work on helping the pain while you're doing it ??
Idk. Or just don't do it.
Nothing is worth having such severe pain.

There's really no right answer here nor is there any good answers here.
It's just this very painful nightmarish monster that lives inside of you that you'll never be rid of; you'll know of it's existence always, especially when you eat something too heavy or spicy or greasy. you'll remember it every single time you *try*to do sex, notice i said try because you rarely ever get to be successful (that's just my experience) and you'll definitely feel it when you need to poop. your left ovary and colon are neighbours B U T 😩 if you have endometriosis, it's a wild Karen on the loose, just always trying to make trouble out of nothing 😒
Seriously, I could write out every singlem warning possible and I could literally warn you all day every day but unless you suffer with endometriosis yourself, you'll never even begin to understand the unbelievable pain.
and truthfully, even if you yourself also have stage four endometriosis, you still couldn't possibly know how i feel, nor i you, because we all feel things differently, we all have different pain tolerance (i actually have a really high pain tolerance so i feel sorry for those with low ones because this shit hurts 😭), we all handle things differently.
Lastly, endometriosis really has affected me so so much mentally, physically and emotionally. It often keeps me locked indoors because I'm too scared to leave my house. When my hubs asks if I want to go out to eat, I get scared and I say no. Even if I actually really do want to go because I'll immediately start thinking "what if i eat something that doesn't sit well or agree? what if i have to pee or poop? what if the cramps start to set in?" Like, all of those things, along with a laundry list of other fears, starts to run through my mind. Endometriosis heavily affects all my other bodily functions; I often can't poop and for almost two years I was in and out of the doctors and even the hospital a few times, for severe constipation, went to my obgyn maybe twice, come to find out that constipation and diarrhea are like the top side effects of having endometriosis and the worse your endo is, the worse your side effects are apparently 😩😭
so That's how i've been affected mentally.
Emotionally, I have been through way too much with my endometriosis 😭😩😔😭
So, I'll get really emotional over the fact that I can't ever do it. Like, not being able to do sex with your husband really can take a toll on you. But not nearly as much as having to look him dead in the eye and tell him you'll never be able to give him a child right after he opened up about children, saying how much he would love to be a father and have a kid. You ever see someone smile and they're eyes light up?? Well, I took that away. He was smiling from ear to ear, eyes ablaze. But I ruined that and immediately his face fell, his smile faded and all the beauty and light left his eyes, it was almost as if all the life actually drained from his face. I can't even explain it. I just know that I never ever want to be the reason somebody looks that sad and let down ever ever
also Emotionally; i cry a lot. Especially after sex. Because the pain is so bad, too intense. I cry a lot because of the pain and most the time I don't even know I'm crying because the pain is just all consuming. It truly really is probably one of a THE worst pains that I have ever felt. Braces and Endometriosis are a tie, both are torturous.
Having endometriosis is emotionally draining. Also very physically draining. Just very taxing. You can't LIVE with endometriosis ya know?? You can't truly live with it. You try to live your life as best you can, but you only just kind of exist. You live your life in fear. I'm in a constant state of anxiety. I try to always carry something for pain in my bag just for a little peace of mind to leave my house and go somewhere. But that doesn't help always, the pain is far too intense most of the time that dinky little aspirin will not even touch it.
It's definitely rough.
Physically, I truly don't think I'll ever be able to explain just how physically exhausting it is to have a disease take over your ovaries in such an invasive and painful way. It's actually truly just awful. I absolutely H A T E it. Everything about it.
And don't even get me started on getting my periods with endometriosis 😩😭

Genuinely would not wish this on my worst enemy. I wouldn't wish it upon the guy that put his hands on me in an abusive manner. I wouldn't even wish this pain upon my rxpist; i want him to suffer, but not like this.

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