2. Mi Chica

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Roxy POV

For the last hour Liv and I had been trying to find an outfit for me to wear tonight but with no success and I was beginning to think I should just not go. I mean he probably wouldn't even notice if I didn't turn up.

"It's no use I have nothing to wear and I don't have time to buy anything" I sigh "I'm just not going to go"

"Are you crazy, he asked you to come" she says "you told him you would be there if you no show it will look bad"

"But I have nothing to wear" I say "and the last thing I want it to show up looking a mess"

"You want him to like you right?" she asks and I nod "Then just be yourself, wear what you would normally wear, don't try to be something you're not"

"Normally I would go with ripped jeans and a black tank top" I say "Do you think that would look ok?"

"Absolutely, with a little make up and your hair done you'll look great" she smiles "let's get your ready"

After pulling on my chosen outfit Liv sits me down and does my hair and make up while I try to keep my nerves in check. When she's done I have to admit I look pretty good. Thankfully Liv has agreed to go with me for moral support and also because I'm afraid I'm going to end up sitting alone.

When we arrive at the barit doesn't take long to spot Damian, he's stood by the dance floor surround by woman, something I'm not very surprised at. We take a seat at the bar and Liv orders our drinks, I meanwhile am unable to take my eyes off Damian.

He is wearing tight jeans with chains on one side and a nice shirt, I had only ever seen him in his ring gear but my god he looks even better in his normal clothes, his jeans even have the same laced up crotch that his ring gear has and it does nothing to help the direction my mind is going in.

I turn towards the bar as Liv hands me my drink.

"I'll get those" a deep voice says as an arm is placed lazily around my shoulders "I'm glad you made it mi chica, I was beginning to think you weren't going to show"

I look at Damian for a moment, my Spanish isn't perfect but I understand what he just called me, once again he has taken me by surprise.

"Sorry we're late" Live smiles "Wardrobe drama"

"Well you look beautiful" he smiles "come, dance with me" he says taking my hands in his

"No way, I don't dance" I say "Well more like I can't dance"

"Don't worry" he says helping me stand "I've got you"

Damian leads me to the dance floor and we begin to move to the music, I instantly start to feel self conscious and embarrassed, almost as if he senses it he takes hold of my hands again and smiles at me.

"You're doing good" he smiles "so tell me, how come you were watching my match?"

"I was advised to take an interest in who won" I say "I'm in the womens tournament and if I win then we will be tag partners"

"Really, that's very cool" he smiles "well I hope you win, I think we'd make a good team, you're phenomenal in the ring"

"You've seen my matches?" I ask surprised

"Yeah of course" he smiles "I've been watching since you started"

I take moment to process what he has just told me, he's been watching me as long as I've been watching him although I'm pretty sure its not for them same reasons.

"So tell me, why did you want me here tonight?" I ask

"Becuase I wanted to get to know you" he says "I've been waiting for a chance to do so and when you spoke to me I took it"

"Well thank you for inviting me" I say

"Thank me by having fun" he says "and you can start by turning that frown into a smile"

And just like that I find myself not only smiling but chuckling at his words, somehow I feel completely at ease with him I just wish I had had the courage to speak to him sooner.

As the song ends he leads me back to Liv who is still sitting at the bar, we stop in front of her and he helps me up on to the stool.

"I'm going to go mingle for bit, I will catch up with you soon" he says wrapping me up in a hug and my god does he smell good "don't leave ok, I want to talk to you some more"

"I'll be right here" I smile "I promise"

"Things seem to be going well" Liv smirks after he leaves

"Yeah he's really nice, he said he's been watching my matches and he thinks we'd make a good team" I smile "you know I think this maybe a little more than a crush"

"I could have told you that" she laughs "you like him, like a lot, everyone can see that"

"Yeah it's just a shame it's one sided though" I sigh "I guess I can live with him just being a friend"

"I don't thinks friends is the right term for you two" she says "I give it a month and you two will be a couple"

"Don't be ridiculous" I laugh "look at the women he hangs around with, I don't even come close to them, why would he want me when he can have some one like that?"

"Becuase unlike them your genuine" she says "you are yourself everyday, there's no act, no character, just you and I think he appreciates that"

Whichever way Liv wanted to look at it this was a friendship nothing more, I just hope I can handle just being his friend.

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