17. Booze and Heartbreak

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Roxy POV

"Why her Liv? Why did he have go talk to her?" I say as I throw what a believe to be my third vodka coke from the minibar in my room down my neck "why didn't he talk to you or me?"

"I don't know" she says "I just hope the slap I gave him knocked some sense into him" she says shaking her head

"What? Please tell me it was his arm or his chest you slapped?" I ask and she shakes her head "noooo Liv you can't mark his face it's too gorgeous, ugh why did he have to be so god damn perfect"

"I don't think I left a mark" she chuckles "You're finding it very hard to hate him aren't you?" She asks

"I'm mad at him, but I could never hate him, I love him too much" I say "I need another drink"

"Youve already had five" she says and I stare at her

"Really I thought it was three" I say "actually you know what I need, I need to see Damian" I say getting up but Liv blocks the door.

"No you need to go to bed, sleep off the booze and talk to him in the morning" she says "doing this drunk is not a good idea"

"I just miss him" I whine "I really want one of his hugs, you know I wish my mom hadn't interrupted us, I wish he'd got me pregnant at least then I would still have a small piece of him"

"Rox you are talking crazy, please go to bed" Liv says guiding me over to the bed and covering me up "I'll talk to you in the morning.

Damian POV

I had no idea how long I had been at this bar with Eva or how much I had drank, all I knew was that the booze was numbing the pain and that's what I needed.

The only down side was thanks to the booze Eva was starting to look good so I knew that was my cue to leave before I did something I'd regret. No matter how I felt about what had happened there was always only going to be one woman for me, mi chica.

"Yo Eva I'm going to head out I'm done" I say leaning over to her

"Want me to walk you back?" She says stroking my face

"No thanks I'm good, you enjoy the rest of your night" I say standing up, as I start to move away she grabs my hand.

"Thanks for coming out tonight papi" she says before kissing my cheek and I literally feel my stomach churn.

I give her a half smile and leave the club wiping my face as I do, the last thing I want is Liv seeing me with lipstick on my face, she'd tell Roxy for sure.

Roxy POV

After Liv left I had tried to sleep, I had tossed and turned for a while before finally giving up. Even though I knew it was a bad idea I still wanted to see him, I didn't want to give up on us just yet. If there was a chance we could fix this I wanted to take it, I loved him far too much to just walk away.

Getting out of the bed I walk over to the door and open it, I look around making sure the coast is clear before heading towards his room.

"Damian" I call out knocking on his door but there's no answer

"Damian please open the door I want to talk to you" I say knocking again but still nothing

"Fine! I didn't want to talk to you anyway" I say kicking the door with my bare foot "ah shit, that hurt, that's your fault" I shout before walking away.

Damain POV

As I walk down the corridor I'm pretty sure I can see someone walking towards me, I can see they are in a t shirt and little else and then I realise I know those incredible legs, but I couldn't be, she left didn't she?

As I get closer I see that it really is her and if I'm not mistaken I think she had been to my room.

"Mi chica?" I say as she stops and looks at me

"Have you been drinking?" She asks

"I might have had a couple" I smile "you look exquisite by the way"

"Ok you've had more than I couple" she says as I stagger slightly "lets get you to your room so you can sleep this off"

"Will you stay with me?" I ask

"That's not a good idea right now" she says "let's get you to bed and maybe we can talk in the morning"

Roxy POV

It was clear almost immediately how drunk Damian was and that talking was not an option right now. I was just glad he was alone.

I guide him into his room and sit him down on the edge of his bed as I remove his shoes. Standing up I remove his leather jacket but before I can move away he takes hold of my hips.

"Mi chica" he says lowly in an almost whisper "I need you"

"We can't, not like this" I say and as his fingertips glide over the bare skin on my legs I swear my whole body is on fire "Damian......" before I can finish he pulls me down onto his lap and his lips are on mine kissing me passionately.

I don't know if it's the booze or just me but I don't push him off I just kiss him back, my head is telling me to stop, that this is a bad idea but my body and heart just won't listen and soon I find myself laid on his bed underneath him with only a thin piece of fabric separating our bodies.


Waking up I am very aware that I am not in my own room, I look to the side of me and the sight of Damian's very naked body beside me tells me exactly what happened.

It shouldn't have happened, this was a mistake there was so much we needed to talk about first. Sliding out of the bed I grab my clothes from the floor, get dressed and leave the room.

I head back to my room and take a shower trying to wake myself up properly, I wanted to sort myself out and then go back to him so that we could talk about this, like we should have done in the first place.

By the time I leave the bathroom I find that I had taken way longer than I had intended, throwing some clean clothes I head back to Damian's room.

Damian POV

I had felt Roxy leave the bed and the room, and my heart had sunk with the closing of the door. A part of me wanted to follow her but I knew it was best to leave her alone.

I'm about to close my eyes and try to go back to sleep when I hear the door open, did she come back? I feel the bed dip and an arm wrap over my stomach.

"Mi chica" I croak as I turn over "Eva! What are you doing? Get the hell out of my bed and my room"

"I saw the way you looked at me at the bar" she says "why keep fighting it" the next thing I know her lips are on mine, I push her off and get out of the bed.

"Get out now!" I snap "how many times do I have to tell you I'm not.........oh my god I am such an idiot, this was your plan wasn't it? Split us up so you could make a move"

"You didn't take much convincing" she smirks "you know where to find me if you change your mind" she says leaving the room.

I need to take a shower and then I need to find Roxy, I have to try and fix this before it's too late.

Roxy POV

As I approach Damian's room I see Eva coming out of his room in nothing but a pink silk robe. When she sees me she walks towards me with a smirk on her face.

"At least there is something we can agree on now" she smirks "that man is incredible in bed"

As she walks around me I just stand there for a moment, did he really just sleep with her right after he slept with me? Was that all that was? Just sex, does he really not want me anymore?

Turning on my heel I head back to my room, this is all too much for me and I can't take anymore, I need to get out of here and away from him, and I'm going to stay away for as long as it takes for me to get over him.

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