20. Sweet and Thoughtful

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Damian POV

Looking at Roxy sleeping peacefully beside me, her head resting on my chest and her arm over my stomach I hated that I was going to have to leave her tomorrow. When she had asked me to visit I had taken as much time as Stephanie would allow becuase I wanted to be here as long as it took to sort things out.

I hadn't expected us to work things out so quickly or her to forgive me so easily but I was grateful that I had her back in some way. One of the conditions for me visiting was that I had to stay in the spare room, but I haven't spent one single night in there, I've been right here beside Roxy because that's where she wanted me to be.

Nothing past kissing had happened between us on the couple of times I tired to take things further she stopped me. On the positive side she had almost slept through every night I had been here and she was eating a little better, the only thing that hadn't improved was her morning sickness, the stuff I'd got from the pharmacy hadn't worked and I had to admit I was a little worried about her and the baby, becuase if she couldn't keep much down the baby wasn't getting all the nutrients it needed.

Roxy turns over but stays asleep and I take my opportunity to get up and make her some breakfast. I put on a t shirt and some sweat pants and head through to the kitchen.

"Hey, good morning" Josie says as I enter the room "how is she?"

"Morning, she's still asleep at the minute" I say "but she was up a couple of times being sick but she slept for the most part"

"She's been doing alot better with you here" she says "can't say I'm surprised"

"Oh why is that?" I say walking over to the fridge

"It's not rocket science Damian, she was a mess becuase she missed you" she says "she needed you, I just hope she doesn't go backwards when you leave"

"Well I think I have a solution to the sleeping without me" I say "the rest we'll just have to see, wait here"

I walk through to the spare room and grab the gift I had picked up for Roxy the other day, heading back into the kitchen I place it on the table and Josie looks at it and then at me.

"Exactly how is a giant stuffed bear going to help her sleep?" She asks confused

"This is how" I say removing the t shirt I'm wearing and putting it on the bear, as I do im pretty sure I hear Josie mutter "holy shit"

"You see I figured if he's wearing something that smells like me it will help her sleep" I say turning to find Josie staring at me "you ok," I ask

"Oh...uh...yes im fine I'm going to go check on Rox" she says "shout me if Izzy gets up"

I watch Josie leave the room and within seconds of her going Izzy walks I into the kitchen and smile at me, she really is the most adorable little girl, although I think mine and Roxy's baby may just be cuter.

"Good morning princesa, how would you like some pancakes?" I ask

"Yes please" she smiles "chocolate chip"

"Coming right up" I smile "you just look after that bear for me"

"Damian?" She asks as she takes a seat

"Yes princesa?" I reply as I make the pancake batter

"Can we play hairdresser today, you promised" she asks

"Absolutley I would love to have you do my hair" I say and she beams at me "but breakfast first"

Roxy POV

I had barely opened my eyes when Josie came into the room closing the door behind her.

"Joise? Are you ok?" I ask sitting up

"Oh just fine" she says "but that man taking his shirt of needs to come with a warning" she says making me chuckle

"He does have a great body" I smile "speaking of where is he?"

"He's making breakfast" she says "you look a lot better, you have more colour in your face"

"I feel better" I smile "if I could just stop being sick I'd be fine"

"I'm glad but I'm worried it won't stay this way when he leaves" she says

"I'll be fine, sure im going to miss him but things are good with us" I say "it won't be like before"

"I figured they were becuase his ass hasn't touched that spare bed" she smiles "He's good for you Rox, don't let him slip through your fingers"

"I won't I promise" I say before notice the most delicious smell coming from the kitchen "oh you smell that? Hes making pancakes, come on I'm starving"

I head through to the kitchen and the sight of a shirtless Damian serving my niece pancakes almost stops me in my tracks. When he looks up he smiles at me and opens his arms.

"Good morning mi chica how are you feeling?" He asks as I walk into his open arms.

"I'm feeling good" I say leaning up to peck his lips "so do I get some pancakes?" I ask

"Of course take a seat and I'll bring them over" he smiles

Turning around my eyes land on the large stuff bear sitting on the table in Damian's shirt "whats this?" I ask

"That is something to help you sleep when I'm not here" he says "hold him close to you and breath in"

I do as he asks and I familiar scent hits my nose "oh my gosh he smells like you" I say hugging the bear

"I put my shirt on him becuase I thought that if he smelled like me you'd sleep alright with out me" he says and the next thing I know I have tears rolling down my cheeks "hey why are you crying?" He asks

"It's just so thoughtful and sweet and....thank you" I smile and he smiles back.

"Alright you ladies enjoy I have an appointment with my hairdresser" he says winking at Izzy who beams up at him

The two of them leave the room as Josie and I eat our breakfast, by the time we are done and Josie has washed up the dishes we hear them coming back.
The second our eyes fall on Damian we both burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter, not only has she tied his hair into four bunches which are stuck up all different directions she has put blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick on him.

"Why are you laughing I think I look great" he smiles "I'm thinking about bringing her on the road with me so she can do this for my matches"

"Oh you look beautiful" I say laughing

"I'm sorry, I'm going to take her to get dressed I just can't" Josie says who is now laughing that much she's crying.

Damian walks over and wraps his arms around me and I peck his lips.

"You are amazing with her" I smile "I can't wait to see you with ours"

"I hope we have a little girl just like her" he smiles "she's adorable"

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