21. A High and A Low

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Roxy POV

Curled up on the couch under a blanket beside my sister we were watching Raw waiting for Damian's match to start, he had a contenders match for another shot at the wwe title. I knew that if no one gave him a reason to snap there was no way he could lose.

"Rox you can barely keep your eyes open why don't we record it and watch it tomorrow" Josie says looking over at me.

"No I promised him I'd watch, I'll be fine" I say, once again I was ignoring something I should be and I know my sister is worried about me. I was almost at the 12 week mark but the sickness had just got worse, no matter what I ate or drank nothing stayed down, I was tired, weak and constantly dizzy but I was determined this would pass and I didn't need medical help, I also hadn't told Damian anything becuase I didn't want him to worry.

"Rox you are surviving on crackers and little else, that's not good for you or mini D" she says, Josie had become convinced I was having a boy and had been calling them mini D ever since.

"I'm fine, I....oh god" I groan as I feel my stomach churn once again and end up making a beeline for the bathroom.

Josie POV

While Roxy had been otherwise engaged in the bathroom, they had announced that Damian's match was now a title match and they were not at least half way through the match.

"Rox are you ok in there?" I call out and hear a small groan "your are missing big D's match and you really don't want to do that"

I knew Rox would want to see him win that title, all she's talked about is how much she wanted him to get another shot so I knew this was something she wouldn't want to miss. I hear the toilet flush and assume that she is coming back through.

Damian wins his match and as I watch him hold his belt over his head smiling there is still no sign of Roxy, I head through to the bathroom and knock gently on the door.

"Roxy are you ok?" I ask but get silence

I push the door open slowly and then panic takes over, Roxy is laid on the bathroom floor white as a sheet and not moving.

"Roxy, oh my god Roxy" I gasp falling to my knees beside her "Roxy answer me please, open your eyes"

Her eyes flutter open slowly and she looks at me completely confused "what happened?" She asks as she tries to sit up.

"I think you passed out" I say "I'm getting you to the hospital, enough is enough and don't argue with me"

"Fine but please don't tell Damian" she says and I shake my head

"Roxy I'm not keeping this from him" she says "he loves you and this is his baby too, he has a right to know"

Damian POV

As I walk though to backstage I was on cloud nine, the wwe championship was finally around my waist, the only thing that could have made this better would be having Roxy here to celebrate with me, but I understood why she couldn't be here and I knew she was watching at home.

Placing my belt down and taking my phone out of my bag, the second I see a missed call from Josie my stomach drops and my heart starts to race.
I had exchanged numbers with her in case of emergency and for when Roxy goes into labour so I knoew whatever she was going to tell me wasn't good.

"Damian thank god" she gasps answering my call

"What's happened? Are Roxy and the baby ok?" I ask without hesitation.

"She passed out in the bathroom" she says "I've brought her to hospital, they are checking her over at the moment, they said it could be hyperemesis gravidarum"

"What the hell is that? And why the hell did she pass out?" I ask completely panicking by this point.

"It's intense morning sickness" she says "It's been getting progressively worse and she has been surviving on crackers and little else, that's why she passed out"

"Is the baby alright?" I ask worried for both of them

"I don't know yet, they haven't told me anything" she says "please try not to worry, I'm with her and I'm not going to leave her"

"Too late I am way beyond worried" I say "what about Izzy don't you need to look after her?"

"Her dads taking her, no way I'm leaving my sister alone" she says

"Right, I'm going to speak to Stephanie and I will be on the first flight out there" I say "I need to be with her, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to our baby and wasn't there"

"Hang on the doctor is coming I'll but you on speaker" she says

"Family of Roxy Lowell" I hear him say

"Yes I'm her sister and the babies father is on the phone" she says "His name is Damian Priest"

"Alright Mr Priest, Miss Lovell is suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum, she is also severely dehydrated" he says "she is awake and aware of whats going on and we have her on IV fluids and a feeding tube"

"A feeding tube!" I gasp "why does she need that?"

"The tube goes to her stomach through her nose and is connected to a bag containing the nutrition that she and the baby needs" he says "it's a temporary measure to help her until the sickness eases, she is currently 10 weeks and this usually begins to ease by 13 weeks and should be alot better by 20 weeks"

"And our baby?" I ask "is our baby ok?"

"Baby is absolutely fine, a little smaller than average but there is now reason why baby won't catch up over time" he says

"How long are you keeping her in for?" I ask

"More than likely for the next three weeks" he says "longer if I'm not satisfied that she can keep enough down"

"Thank you doctor" I say and I hear Josie thank him too

"Thanks for keeping me on speaker" I say "I'll be there as soon as I can, call me if anything changes"

"No problem, I will" she says "I'm going to stay with her until you get here"

Right now I was feeling two things very strongly and I wasn't sure which was worse, the guilt of not being there when this happened or the anger at her for not telling me what was going on. Either way I need to get to her and I had no intention of leaving her until I was certain she was ok.

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