31. Daddy Day Care

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Damian POV

As soon as Roxy and Olivia got home from the hospital we threw ourselves into planning our wedding. I wanted to make her my wife as soon as possible and I couldn't wait to see her walking down the aisle in a beautiful gown. At the same time I'd be happy to just go to the town hall with a couple of witnesses, as long as she was my wife it didn't matter to me but I knew a proper wedding was important to her.

Josie had wanted to take her wedding dress shopping with their mom so I had agreed to not only watch our six week old daughter but Izzy as well, I had even roped Matt into helping me.

"Hey could you pass me a diaper please man" I ask as Olivia wriggles around on the changing table.

"Here you go bro" he says and I take what he's holding out to me only to find he's given me one of she muslin sheets we use to swaddle her.

"Do what the f.....what am I supposed to do with this?" I ask "I'd have to wrap this round her ass 3 or 4 times and then her clothes won't fit! Not to mention that anything that comes out of her would soak straight through"

"Oh sorry grabbed the wrong thing" he says "I was keeping Izzy occupied" he says passing me a diaper.

"It's cool man, it's just this is the first time Rox has left me alone with her and I want her to see she can trust me" I say fastening up the babygrow.

"Don't stress" he says "she wouldn't have left you with her if she didn't trust you"

"Yeah your right" I say picking up my daughter "I bet that feels much better huh princesa?" I say smiling down at her

"I'm princesa" Olivia pouts

"Yes you are but she is too" I smile "but between you and me you're my best princesa" I wink and the frown is replaced with a big beaming smile.

"Can we all play hairdresser Uncle Damian?" She asks

"Of course we can" I smile "as soon as I get your cousin off to sleep"

"What does she mean play hairdresser?" Matt asks and I chuckle

"Oh you'll love it trust me" I smile "she's the best little hairdresser in town"

Roxy POV

When Josie had suggested leaving the kids with Damian I had thought I would find it hard to leave my baby but I had suprised myself with how calm and ok I was about it. Damian was amazing with Olivia and I trusted him implicitly and I knew I ha do need to worry.

"I don't get you" Josie says as we look in a shop window "how are you so calm, you left your new born baby with big D and our cousin"

"He's an amazing father I trust him" I say "she'll be just fine with him"

"It's not him I don't trust" she says "don't get me wrong I love Matt but sometimes he can be a little empty headed"

"I know but he means well" I smile "I'm sure Damian will keep an eye on him"

"So come on mr perfect must have made a least one mistake surely" she chuckles

"Well there was one, he does most of the night feeds and one night he was over tired and he filled her bottle with coffee instead of formula" I chuckle "if I hadn't walked in when I did I'd have had a two week old on a caffeine high"

As Josie laughs it dawns on me that we have looked in several stores and I haven't manage do find a dress. Not that I haven't seen any I liked it's just that the way my body is right now I don't feel comfortable in anything.

"You ok you zoned out" she asks and I nod

"Yeah I just wish I'd found something" I sigh "I didn't think it would be this hard"

"Well its not like you're getting married this week" she smiles "you have plenty of time to find a dress, let's get back to the guys we can try again another day"

Damian POV

After finally getting Olivia down for her nap Matt and I were sat on the living room floor having our hair done by Izzy. Matt was sat with rollers in his hair since she decided he needed a perm and cotton wool between his toes after having his toenails painted and I was currently having my hair brushed after having my fingers nails painted purple.

"So what am I having done today princesa?" I ask

"Half pony tail" she says "you need to look pretty for Aunty Roxy"

"Just pretty? Not handsome?" I ask and she giggles

"No just pretty" she laughs "and I have a great idea"

"You go right ahead I trust you" I say leaning my head back a little to make it easier for her.

"What's your favourite colour?" She asks as I feel her tie a bobble around my hair

"It's purple princesa, why are you going to dye my hair?" I ask and she laughs

"No silly" she laughs "you'll see in a minute"

The next thing I know she places her little hand mirror in front of me and when I check out my hair I see she has added a purple ribbon around the pony tail.

"That's looks great" I smile "you've been practicing haven't you" I ask and she smiles and nods "you know I think it needs one last touch" I say grabbing a black eyeliner pencil.

"I love it" she beams as I finish my eyeliner "Aunty Roxy will too"

"Hey where home" Roxy call out as if on cue

"In here mi amor" I call back "princesa is down for her nap"

Josie and Roxy walk in the room and as soon as Josie sees Matt she starts laughing that hard she nearly falls over her, Roxy on the other hand is looking at me with wide eyes and her mouth open.

"Holy f........wow" she says taking me in "you look good, I love the eyeliner"

"Really?" I say wrapping my arms around her "it's not too much?"

"No actually it looks kinda hot on you" she says quietly "and I love the half ponytail, maybe you should do that as part of your in ring look"

"Mmm I'll think about it" I smile pressing a kiss to her lips "did you find a dress?"

"No not yet" she frowns "how has Olivia been?"

"She been an absolute dream" I smile "and don't worry you will find your dress and you will look beautiful, you always do"

"Smoother talker" she smiles before leaning in towards my ear "keep the eyeliner on and you might get lucky later" she whispers and I growl softly.

"Keep talking like that and I'll have to find an alternate use for the ribbon" I whisper and she looks at me biting her lip, it had been said long weeks and I could wait to get her alone.

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