33. Surprise For Papi

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Roxy POV

Damian had returned to work three months ago when he paternity leave ended. He didn't want to leave us anymore than we wanted him to go, although I missed him terribly I knew Olivia missed him more and if our six month old could talk I know she that's what she'd tell me.

In the last three months Damian had barely been home long enough to spend any quality time with us and I knew that's what he wanted more than anything as well as to help with wedding plans.

I had decided to surprise him by flying out to see him with Josie and Izzy who had been super excited when we told her as she has missed her favourite customer. When Damian had returned to work he had started coming out to the ring with his hair in a half ponytail and Izzy had smiled from ear to ear when she saw it, her only complaint was that there was no ribbon.

We were almost at the end of our flight, Olivia was sleeping soundly and Ozzy was drawing a picture for her favourite uncle, Damian was her only uncle but her favourite non the less.

"you nervous about seeing everyone?" Josie asks

"A little but I'm also excited" I smile "I've missed Liv, Big E and a few others it will be nice to see them"

"At least bubblegum barbie won't be there" she chuckles "I still want to slap the taste out of her mouth"

"And you didn't see how she was with him" I chuckle "draped on him like a cheap suit, her hands everywhere, it was disgusting"

"I feel sorry for him" she says "things is when you have a man that fine, there is always going to be someone that wants a piece"

"Not everyone is as disrespectful as Eva" I say "now enough about her, she is not going to cloud over this trip"

When the plane lands we get our luggage and get through the terminal fairly quickly, by the time we get to hotel Olivia is grumbling slightly so I give her her teething ring.

"Is she going to be alright?" Josie asks entering my room

"Yeah she's just teething" I say "trust me she will be fine as soon as she sees her papi, she is a complete daddy's girl" I say as I strap her into a pushchair "you ready to go find papi?" I ask and she smiles at me with her teething ring still in her mouth, with her dark eyes and her dark wavy hair she looked just like him, there was no doubt about it she was a mini D.

When we arrive at the arena we barely make it a few steps inside before arms wrap around me from behind, turning I find Liv beaming at me before she wraps me up in a tight hug.

"Rox I've missed you" she says squeezing me and then promptly letting me go "oh let me see her.........oh you are just precious, you look just like you daddy" she coos before looking up at me "she's beautiful Rox I'm so happy for you" she smiles

"Thanks Liv, I've missed you too" I say "is he around?"

"Yeah he's is just getting his hair done" she says

"But that's my job" Izzy pipes up and Liv smiles at her

"Hey there and who might you be?" She asks crouching down

"I'm Izzy and I'm Uncle Damian's hairdresser" she smiles

"Oh well then we better go find him and make sure they are doing it right" she says taking her hand "follow me"

We follow Liv and Izzy through backstage towards hair and makeup, the second Izzy sees him she runs up to him calling out his name, he turns and at first looks confused when he sees her.

"Princesa? What are you doing here?" He asks scooping her up and then turning around "mi amor?, princesa? I didn't know you were coming" he smiles walking over and pecking my lips and kissing Olivia's cheek.

"We wanted it to be a surprise" I smile "and someone has been missing her papi terribly"

"And I've missed her just as much" he says running a hand over her hair "I've missed you both so much"

"I've missed you too, I......"

"Damian we need to finish your hair" a woman calls out and Izzy looks up at him,

"She's done it wrong Uncle Damian" she says "it doesn't look right"

"Well then" he says moving a box behind his chair and standing her on it "I'd better let my best princesa fix it" he says sitting down.

The woman looks at him like she's just been insulted before walking off leaving Izzy to play with all of her stuff. As we watch her happily brush Damian's hair I see a familiar face walk towards me.

"Hey titch" Randy smiles "wow she's beautiful congratulations" he says giving me a hug

"Thanks Randy it's good to see you" I say hugging him back "Randy this is my sister Josie, Josie this is Randy he's one of the wrestlers here"

"Hi it's nice to meet you Randy" she says offering him her hand which he gladly takes

"Like wise" he says shaking her hand as a look I know all to well passes between them "um if you're not busy I could show you around if you like" he says nervously and she looks at me.

"Go have fun" I smile "you'll be perfectly safe with him"

"Sure I'd like that" she smiles "will you watch Izzy for me?" She asks and I nod as I watch them walk away together.

As I turn my attention back to Damian and Izzy I hear Olivia begin to grumble again. I take her out of the pushchair and hold her close to me and she chews on her teething ring.

"Is she alright her cheeks look a little red?" Damian asks watching me intently

"She's started teething" I say "she'll be fine once they start cutting through"

"Oh my poor angel" he says holding out his arms for her and I place her on his lap "are those mean toothy pegs hurting you, shall papi sort them out for you" he says and she beams up and him and her grumbling stops, just as I thought now that she has her papi she is fine.

"Here I have some gel you can put on her gums if you like" I say handing him the tube "although she doesn't like it so you may have a fight on your hands"

Damian takes the tube and squeezes a little on to his pinky finger, he slowly removes the teething ring from her mouth and begins to gently rub the gel along her gum and she doesn't fight him, she doesn't make a sound she just smiles at him.

"Of course she takes it for you" I say rolling my eyes and he chuckles

"She loves me just like you do" he smiles "I'll be free after my match so I can take over with her if you like?" He asks while simultaneously making funny faces at her to make her giggle.

"All done" Izzy says "now you look pretty for your match"

"Thank you princesa" he smiles "now you help Aunty Roxy with your cousin and I will see you all real soon ok" he says kissing her cheek, doing the same to Olivia before handing her back to me and kissing my lips.

"I'll see you soon mi amor" he says "I love you"

"I love you too" I smile "now go rock it out there champ"

Smiling he walks away towards gorilla as in put Olivia back in her pushchair. Izzy helps me with the straps and we push her through backstage together to find our seats in the crowd. Wherever Josie and Randy were I hoped they were having fun.

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