34. The Big Day

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Roxy POV

Nervously checking my reflection in the mirror I couldn't believe we had actually made it to this point, that in less than an hour I was going to be Mrs Priest. It had been a longish road to get here and I times I didn't think we ever would but here I was standing in my dress waiting to meet him at the end of the aisle.

I had chosen a dress that I thought fit both me and Damian perfecting it was ivory with deep purple detailing, my bouquet was a mixture of ivory and deep purple silk flowers and I had chosen black for the bridesmaids except Izzy who was wearing purple, I guess you could say our wedding had a touch of rock and roll about it just like us.

The other thing that made me happy was that Josie was happy, her and Randy had hit it off big time, they had been dating for the last three months and I hadn't seen my sister smile this big in a long time, she had even asked him to be her date for our wedding, best of all just like Damian he was amazing with Izzy but in her eyes he will always be second to Uncle Damian.

 "How are you feeling?" Josie asks as she fiddles with my dress

"Nervous, Excited, a little scared" I say taking a deep breath "What if I get out there and he's not there"

"You can put that idea right out of your head" she smiles "there is no way he won't be out there"

"Who has Olivia?" I ask "Is she behaving?"

"She is with her Grandpa" she says "he insisted on having her sit with him, 9 months old and she has two men wrapped around her finger"

"She loves her papi and her abuelo" I smile "the day he got here, he and Damian we playing with her, when I tried to join in she shook her head and said no" I laugh

"She loves you just as much" she smiles "and the older she get's the more of you I see in her"

Just then there is a soft know on the door and Matt walks in, when he sees me he smiles before giving me a loose hug.

"You ready to go cuz?" he asks "you look beautiful by the way"

"Thanks, yeah I'm ready" I say linking my arm with his "how is he holding up?"

"He's nervous and I'm pretty sure he's going to cry when he sees you" he says "and he gave me a message, now bare with me my spanish isn't that good, he said mi uno, mi para siempre, te amo y te vere pronto"

"And for those of us that don't speak spanish?" my sister asks looking between us

"my one, my forever, I love you and I'll see you soon" I smile

"That is so beautiful" she says wiping away a tear "god I wish Randy spoke another language"

"maybe you could learn one together" I smile as we walk to the top of the aisle where Liv and Izzy are waiting for us.

"You look beautiful" Liv whispers and I mouth thankyou at her

I start walking down the aisle with Matt and although there aren't many guest and the wedding is small it feels absolutely perfect, when Damian see me he smiles brightly as tears roll down his cheeks, he is dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and deep purple tie. His dad is stood beside him holding Olivia who is simultaneously sucking her thumb and playing with a strand of Damian's hair which is tied back just how Izzy likes it.

When we reach the end of the aisle Josie takes my bouquet and Matt kisses my cheek before taking my hand and giving it to Damian, we standing facing each other holding hands.

"You looking breath-taking mi amor" he smiles

"You look pretty good yourself" I smile back

The officiant begins the ceremony as Damian and I look at each other, I find myself biting my lip when I notice the purple ribbon in his hair, something tells he has certain plans for our wedding night and personally I can't wait.

"Damian and Roxanne have chosen to write their own vows and I'm going to ask Damian to go first" he says

"mi uno, mi para siempre, mi amor, I could fill a book with everything I want to say to you, everything I love about you but today I'm going to say the most important things because I have the rest of my life to say the rest. before I met you I didn't know what I wanted, I wasn't sure I would ever have a family, but the first time I laid eyes on you something happened, I felt my heart flip and then skip a beat, it was like my heart knew you were my one, my forever. And the first time you spoke to me, and agreed to hang out with me, man I was like an excited teenager and at the same time I was terrified that you wouldn't like me. Never in a million years did I think you would love me the way you do or that you would give me the chance to be a father. I consider myself a blessed man and I love you both with all my heart, I'm yours forever and I promise never again will I let you down"

Wiping my eyes I take a deep breath before starting my own vows

"Damian, you caught my eye the second I first saw you but I never thought that you would be interested in a girl like me, but little did I know that we had a lot more in common then I thought, you and I are the same in a lot of ways. We both made mistakes along the way but somehow something kept bringing us back together. I have never had anyone love me the way you do, I have never had anyone make me feel as safe as I do with you, you've not only given me your heart but a beautiful little girl and I thank you for that. You are my one, my forever and it will stay that way for the rest of our lives because nobody else will ever come close to you. I love you and Olivia more than anything and I can't wait to see what else our journey together holds for us"

By the time I'm done there is not a dry eye in the house, we exchange rings and just as he asked his engagement band in now his wedding ring, as he slides my ring on my finger I notice it has the exact same inscription inside as his ring.

"Well now that rings have been exchanged there is only one thing left for me to say" he smiles "with the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife, Damian you may know kiss your bride"

Smiling Damian takes my face in his hands and presses his lips against mine in a tender kiss, he rests his head against mine as our guests clap and he tucks my hair behind my ear.

"I love you mi amor" he says "or should I say Mrs Priest" he smiles

"I love you too Mr Priest" I smiles back "and you so you know, I've seen it"

"Seen what he?" he smirks "I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Sure you don't" I smile as he takes my hand and we walk back up the aisle as a newly married couple.

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