29. One Door Closes

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Roxy POV

There wasn't a word for the way I was feeling right now, pissed off didn't come close. Eva's legal team had found a way to delay everything so many times that I was beginning to feel like this would never end. The stress of it all had put me in hospital twice with braxton hicks and I was due to give birth to our princesa any day now.

Today we were due in court and I could only hope that this time when we left it would all be over. As I laid in bed gently rubbing my bump I felt feather light kisses across my back and along my shoulder. Strong arms wrap around me and a face nuzzles into my neck.

"How are you feeling mi amor?" He asks gently kissing my cheek

"Tired and a little uncomfortable but otherwise ok" I say snuggling back against him as his hand gently runs over my bump before stopping on top of mine.

"Maybe you should stay here today" he says "I could ask Josie to come and sit with you"

"I appreciate the thought but I have to be there" I sigh "they want to ask me questions remember"

"I wish I could do it for you" he sighs "I want princesa's birth to be as relaxed as possible for you, no stress"

"I'll be fine" I say turning to face him and cupping his cheek "I promise I will not go into labour in court"

"I hope not" he chuckles "although it would be an interesting story to tell her when she's older"

"Let's just focus on getting today over with" I smile "I'm sure she will stay where she is for today"


Arriving at the court Damian and I are greeted by Stephanie and her lawyer. He guides us through the room where the case will be heard, its a small informal room with just a table and chairs.

"We just need to wait for the other side to arrive and then we can begin" our lawyer advises "I firmly believe they have been delaying  becuase they have nothing, I don't think they expected you to agree to the test I think they were banking on you refusing"

"Unlike her I have nothing to hide" I say just as the woman in question enters the room with a completely smug look on her face, a look I know all to well from her. They take the seats across from us and the judge sits at the head of the table.

"Alright now I've kept this informal becuase I don't think this requires a huge song and dance" he says "I have received the results of the dna test, but first I want to ask the lawyer of Miss Cole to provide their proof as it were"

"Your honour we have video footage of another gentleman entering Miss Lovell room the night of conception" her lawyer says "it is my clients believe that he stayed a considerable amount of time and that he is in fact the child's father"

I watch as they bring up the footage on the screen and as soon as I see the man in question its all I can do not to laugh.

"Miss Lowell can you identify this man?" The judge asks

"Yes that is Matthew Riddle" I say stifling a laugh

"And can you explain what we are seeing?" He asks

"Of course, that day myself and Mr Priest had split up as a result of Miss Coyle's continued interference in our relationship, I had gone back to the hotel and Mr Riddle arrived shortly after to check on me becuase he had heard what had happened" I explain

"Would you say that you and Mr Riddle were close?" He asks

"Oh yes we are very close" I say "but not in any kind of romantic or intimate way, you see Mr Riddle is my cousin"

"Thank you Miss Lowell" he says giving me a friendly smile

When I turn to Damian I did that he is also trying hard not laugh at what is going on.

"I have a question" her lawyer says "if he is your cousin then how come it's not public knowledge?"

"Mr Riddle joined the company way before I did" I say "we kept it quiet becuase I didn't want anyone thinking I had got there becuase of him"

"Do you have any proof that he is your cousin?" He asks

"I hardly think she would have brought any since you never turned this over to me and she therefore didn't know about this" the judge says "now since you clearly have no proof to the contrary of these results I'm going to get this over with, unsurprisingly the test confirmed that Mr Priest is indeed the father of this child. With regards to your unfair dismissal claim Miss Coyle my decision is that your dismissal was fair and more than warranted, now I could issue a penalty for wasting my time and theirs but I won't, I consider this closed and I wish you both the best of luck with the arrival of your baby"

I watch as Eva storms out of the room with her legal team following behind. Unbeknownst to Damian I had been feeling what I believe to be braxton hicks the whole way through this, but as I stand I feel a much stronger pain shoot across my stomach causing me lean over against the table.

"Are you ok mi amor?" Damian asks rubbing my back gently

"I don't think it's braxton hicks this time" I breath "Damian I think she's coming" I say just as my water breaks

"Oh shit....OK the bag is in the car, let's just get you to hospital" he says "everything is going to be fine I promise"

Damian and Stephanie help me out to the car and she asks us to keep her updated before we drive away. Fortunately we are already pretty close to the hospital.
When we get there I am whisked through to a delivery suite and Damain is by my side the whole time.

"Ok let's see where we are" the doctor says sitting at the end of the bed "well looks like baby isn't waiting around, as soon as you feel the need push"

"I've got you mi amor" Damian say kissing the back of my hand "she'll be in our arms soon"

After no pain relief and alot of pushing the room fills with the cries of our newborn daughter, Damian watches intently as the nurses clean her up and wrap her in a blanket never taking his eyes off her for a second.

They place her on my chest and when I gaze down at our baby girl I can't help but smile, Josie may have been wrong about the gender but she had the mini D part spot on. She has Damian's dark hair, his eyes, his nose and his lips.

"She's beautiful, I can't believe we made her" he says smiling proudly as he gently runs his hand over her head "thank you mi amor for our perfect princesa" he says kissing my forehead

"She looks just like you" I smile "I guess I broke my promise huh" I chuckle

"I don't care" he smiles "she's here and she's healthy that's all that matters"

"Do we have a name?" The nurse asks and we smile at each other

"Yeah we do" Damian says "Olivia Violet Priest"

"Your going to have papi wrapped around your little finger aren't you Olivia" I say placing a gentle kiss on her head

"Well her mother already does" he chuckles "and I wouldn't have it any other way, I love you both"

"We love you too" I smile "now we can be a family in peace"

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