30. Proud Papi

875 26 13

Roxy POV

Waking up in my hospital room I glance over to where our daughter should be sleeping only to find the crib empty. My eyes dart around the room andnthen finally fall on Damian standing by the window with Olivia cradled in his arms.

As I watch him with her the proud smile on his face as he glances at her makes all the pain, the stitches, the morning sickness all of it completely worth it. I had never seen him look as happy and content as he did now if a bit tired holding his baby girl.

He lifts her slightly and he points at something out side

"That right there is a tree" he says quietly "and that is a bird, they live in the trees"

In that moment I am almost certain he believes she understands him and it is nothing short of adorable. From his hushed tone he obviously thinks I'm still sleeping and I'm perfectly content to watch them together.

"One day me and your mommy are going to take you to Puerto Rico to meet your abuelo" he says "there you'll see big palm trees and brightly coloured birds, and you'll see where papi comes from, and learn about your Puerto rican side"

As he talks she wriggles a little before tucking her head further into his chest and he looks at her like the proud father he is, he leans down and presses a kiss to her head "te amo princesa" he whispers. He turns to bring her back to her crib and sees me watching them, he smiles before walking over and laying her down.

"How long have you been awake mi amor?" He asks sitting beside me on the bed

"Long enough" I smile "long enough to see that you are completely smitten with our daughter"

"Oh I'm hooked" he smiles "she just so tiny, perfect and beautiful I can't believe she's ours"

"Has she been fed yet?" I ask "she must be hungry"

"I asked the nurse for a bottle I didn't want to wake you" he says "but if she is anything like her papi she'll be hungry again real soon" he says and then he frowns

"What's wrong baby? What's on your mind?" I ask and he looks at me and tucks my hair behind my ear

"I was just thinking, we have our princesa, we're engaged but we don't live together" he says

"Tell me something when was the last time you slept at your place?" I ask

"I can't remember it's been that long" he shrugs

"And where are most of you clothes?" I ask with a smile

"In your wardrobe" he chuckles "what are you getting at?"

"What I'm getting at is that we do live together you just haven't moved the rest of your stuff yet" I laugh

"Well when you put it like that I guess your right" he says kissing my forehead "oh I almost forgot Stephanie called"

"Please don't tell me something else has gone wrong" I sigh "I just want a peaceful life"

"Nothings gone wrong mi amor" he says "when you went into labour the judge changed his mind, he said it was Eva's fault you had gone into labour becuase of the stress she had caused, so he fined her for wasting his time, and she has to pay your medical bills and Stephanie's legal bills"

"Oh well in that case I guess I can take my time getting out of here then" I smirk "you know since it's on her"

"Naughty girl" he smirks "but don't take too long because I want you both home with me"

Damian presses a soft kiss to my lips and he does our daughter begins to stir, chuckling he gets of the bed and picks her up smiling at her. "Told you she'd be hungry soon" he says placing her in my arms.

I shift myself slightly before lifting my top and allowing her to latch on, Damian watches her intently as she feeds and then a small smirk plays on his lips.

"Would you like me on the other side mi amor?" He asks

"Why?" I ask "you not in the way or anything"

"No but I figured the other one might be getting lonely" he smirks licking his lips

"Are you serious?" I laugh "I'm feeding our daughter"

"Can't blame a guy for trying" he chuckles "I mean you literally just got them out in front of me"

"I think your papi might be jealous of you princesa" I smile as she continues to feed oblivious to whats going on around her

Damian chuckles and gently runs his fingers over her hair as she feeds, its not long before the happy contented look is back on his face as he watches her proudly.

When she finishes feeding I pass her back to Damian and pull my top back down.

"Dont put them away on my account mi amor" he says with a wink as he lays Olivia down

"You are terrible, whats gotten into you today?" I smile

"I just realised how lucky I am to have you both" he says "I woke up this morning and looked at you both and I felt so blessed, you two have brought me so much happiness and I love you both with all my heart"

"We love you too" I smile "and we are lucky to have you, you're my everything and I know you're going to be her hero"

"What do you say we start planning our wedding?" He smiles "I can't wait for you to be my wife"

"I'd love that" I smile "Well make a start as soon as I'm out of here"

"Perfect" he smiles "and if it's ok with you I'd like to have this ring as my wedding ring" he says tapping the band on his finger

"If that's what you want thats fine" I smile "I didn't realise you liked it that much"

"I love it" he smiles "I love the inscription and I see it as a remind of the love you have for me when I'm not with you, I've never taken it off and our wedding day will be the only day I will"

"Then your wedding band it shall be" I smile "so we just need to get one for me"

"Oh I already have it" he smiles "I got it at the same time I bought your engagement ring"

Olivia stirs a little and Damian glances over at her, she settles back down and he smiles, he turns to me taking my hand in his rubbing gentle circles with his thumb.

"You the first time I held her I felt so much love for her" he smiles "I don't about you but I want more"

"Want more what?" I ask and he chuckles

"More babies with you" he smiles "I mean if you want to, of you don't want to go through the morning sickness again then we could always adopt"

"I would love to have more with you" I smile "the morning sickness is worth it if in the end I get to see you this happy"

Damian smiles at me before laying down beside me and resting his head against my shoulder, he takes my hand and plays with my engagement ring, as I stroke his hair he closes his eyes and fall asleep, leaving me to watch him and our babygirl.

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