4. Distractions

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Roxy POV

This was not how I had imagined my match going, right now Carmella had my head trapped in the code of silence and I was on the verge of tapping. Everything had been going fine until Damian decided to unbutton his shirt. That momentary distraction had cost me but I wasn't mad at him, for some reason I just couldn't find it within myself to be mad at him.

"Don't tap cariño, you've got this, just reach for the rope" I hear him shout from ringside, I try once again to move myself closer to the rope coming up just short.

"Come on just a little further" he says, I try once again this time managing to grab the rope, the ref counts to four before she let's go and I get a breather.

But just when I think this can't get any worse Eva's music hits but Damian holds my face to stop me looking at her.

"Dont look at her that's what she wants" he says "focus on the match"

Nodding I get to my feet and turn to find that Carmella has become distracted by Eva's unscheduled appearance, taking the opportunity I roll her up.


And your winner and through to the semi finals Roxy!

I barely have time to think before Damian scoops me up and spins me round celebrating my win. He lowers me to the ground and there's this moment where we just look looked at each other, his hands resting on my hips and mine resting on his chest.

I can hear Carmella shouting about it not being fair and me cheating but my focus is solely on the man infront of me, that is until some one grabs my shoulder and spins me around.

"You might have won tonight, but next week you will be out of the torunament" Eva says getting in my face before leaning towards my ear "I'll get you away from Damian if it's the last thing I do, next week you face me, at my request"

I go to lunge at her but Damian stops me "mi chica don't do anything stupid" he whispers "you don't want to jeopardise your spot, that's what she wants"

"You didn't hear what she said" I say wriggling in his arms "let go for me I want to rip her head off"

"What did she say?" He asks and I instantly stop fighting him.

"I...um....it doesn't matter" I say knowing there is no way I can tell him what this is really about.

"I wish you'd tell me what's going on" he says as we walk to the back "if you did I could help"

"It's nothing trust me" I say "I'm going to go shower and change"

"Hey wait" he says grabbing my hand "I know this is probably bad timing becuase you're not in the best humour but would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"Yeah I'd like that alot" I smile "and thank you for being out there tonight, I wouldn't have won without you"

"That was all you out there I take no credit" he smiles tucking my hair behind my ear "I'll meet you out in the parking lot when you're ready and then we can get out of here" he says kissing my forehead.

When I get back to the locker room Liv is waiting for me, she let's off a party popper before giving me a big hug causing me to laugh.

"Congratulations I knew you'd do it" she says

"Honestly if Damian hadn't been out there I would of lost" I say "he stopped me looking at Eva when she came out"

"You two are really hitting it off huh?" She smirks

"Yeah I guess" I shrug "He's asked me to have dinner with him tonight"

"You mean like a date?" She asks getting excited.

"No.......I mean I don't think so" I say "I'm pretty sure that's not what this is.......yeah no it's not a date"

"I swear you two are adorably clueless" she chuckles "anyway I'll leave you to it, have fun on your date" she says with a wink

"It's not a date" I shout just as the door closes.

I have a quick shower, dry my hair and pull on some clean clothes before heading out to the parking lot, I spot Damian straight away leaning against his car and when he sees me he smiles.

"Hey mi chica you ready to get out of here?" He asks

"Absolutley" I smile "let's go"

Damian takes my bag and then opens the passenger side door for me, closing g it behind me once I'm in. He gets into he drivers seat and starts the engine "so what do you fancy?" He asks

"Are you ok with Italian?" I ask "I could really go for a pizza right now"

"That's fine with me" he says reaching over an dplacing his hand on my thigh "you and me are going to have fun tonight, you did good and you deserve" he says giving my thigh a gentle squeeze and to my surprise his hand doesn't move.

"So this dinner is to celebrate my win?" I ask and he smiles

"Partly" he smiles "it's also so that you and I can spend sometime together just the two of us, we haven't done that yet"

"Well we've only hung out once so far" I chuckle "and you did have other people you and to spilt your time with"

"Exactly that's why I wanted to do this" he says "so we'll have each others full attention"

A whole evening with him, with his attention solely on me? God I wish this was a date.

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