11. Forgiven?

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Roxy POV

Stepping off the plane I breathed a sigh of relief, I honestly couldn't have got away from that place, from him fast enough. All the hurt, and sadness I felt had quickly been replaced with anger and I wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

A part of me had wanted to go back to Stephanie and tell her I lied and to give him the suspension because why should I sit at home for to weeks for some one who is being completely fucking ungrateful right? But the thing that stopped me was the being angry didn't mean I didn't care, I did care, I cared about him a lot and right now I hate the fact that I can't stop myself caring about his ungrateful ass.

As I walk into the arrival hall I am completely shocked when I spot my dad waiting for me, I had decided to visit them instead of going home as I don't get much time with but I was fairly sure I had told him I would get a cab.

"Dad what are you doing here?" I ask pulling him into a hug "I told you I would get an uber"

"I'm perfecting capable of picking my daughter up from the airport" he says hugging me back "I'm not an invalid yet"

"But it's cold out and you know that affects your breathing" I say and he gently pats my cheek

"What do I always tell you sweetheart" he smiles "you worry when I worry and I'm not worrying"

"Fine but leave my case to me" I smile as I follow him out to the car

"So how did you manage to get yourself suspended?" he asks as we get in the car

"I was protecting someone, who turned out to be the most ungrateful asshole I have ever come across" I say "sorry about my language"

"Let me guess, it was Damian" he chuckles "and you two have had a row over it and both of you are being stubborn"

"I'm not being stubborn" I sigh "He walked away from me dad, we had just got together and he walked away like it didn't matter to him"

"You really think it doesn't matter to him?" he asks "What if you are wrong?"

"Do you know  something I don't dad?" I ask eyeing him suspiciously

"Who me? No, I know nothing, just trying to understand that's all" he says focusing on the road

I focus on looking out of the window at all the passing scenery and trying not to think about Damian, when we pull up on the driveway I notice a car outside that doesn't belong to my parents.

"Dad whose here?" I ask and he smiles

"Remember I said I didn't know anything?" he smiles

"Oh hell no!" I snap "You go in there and get rid of him, I'm not leaving this car till you do"

"Roxanne you are getting out of this car and you are going to hear the boy out" he says giving me a look that tells me not to argue with him

I follow my dad into the house and find Damian sat in the living room with my mum talking, my mum looks up and as she does he turns to look at me before standing up and walking over to me.

"Mi chica, can we talk, por favor?" he asks and I take a step back from him

"salir no quiero verte (get out I don't want to see you)" I respond in Spanish not wanting my parents to know I'm being rude.

"What did you just say?" my mum asks coming to stand beside him

"I asked him to leave" I say "I'm sorry mom but I don't want to see him"

"I understand you're hurt, and you're angry but please hear what he has to say" she says "your dad and I will go out, give you two some privacy"

"No you stay, we'll talk upstairs" I say turning and heading up the stairs without even waiting for him.

Walking into my old room and place my bags down and then turn to face Damian, it takes everything in me not to walk over and slap him.

"How dare you turn up at my parents house" I snap "how do you even no where they live?"

"You um left your address book at the hotel" he says "You have every right to be mad at me, all I ask is a few minutes to talk and if you still hate me I'll go and I'll never bother you again"

"Fine start talking" I say plonking myself down on the bed, Damian walks over and crouches in front of me and takes my hands in his and against my better judgement I don't stop him.

"I was never mad at you mi chica, and I am so sorry for behaving the way I did" he says and I can see the sadness in his eyes "I never meant to hurt you, I should never have shouted at you and I want nothing more than to fix this"

"What was it? Your male pride couldn't handle being saved by a woman?" I snap

"No that's not it at all, I love that you did that for me" he says "but I just didn't want you to lose any chance you might have had to get your spot back, not for me, not for anything"

"And I didn't want you to lose your spot" I say "That's why I did it, I had lost my spot I didn't want you to lose your spot because of me"

"Forgive me Roxy, let me back in and I swear I will never hurt you again" he pleads "I know it's only been a few hours but I miss you so much, I need you to come back to me"

As I look at him tears roll down my cheeks, I missed him just as much and I didn't want to not be with him, in a short space of time he had become my everything and I couldn't give that up over a stupid row. Leaning forward I press my lips against his, he hesitates at first and then kisses me back.

As his hands move up the sides of my body I slide his leather jacket off his shoulders and down his arms throwing it to one side. my hands move to the buttons of his shirt, I manage to get two or three undone before he stops me.

"Roxy.....baby......we can't" he says between kisses before finally breaking the kiss altogether

"Why not?" I ask running my finger tips over the exposed skin of his chest

"Your parents are downstairs, they are awake and they will here us" he says "believe me the last thing I want is to stop this"

"Oh god I forgot I told them to stay" I say burying my face in his chest "we better go tell them we've sorted things out" I say standing from the bed and walking over to the door

"Wait, there's one last thing I need to say to you" he says grabbing my hand and I turn to look at him "When I said I liked you a lot I lied, truth is I......I love you Roxy"

"I love you too" I smile before pressing a loving kiss to his lips "how long are you here for?"

"Just for tonight, I have to go back tomorrow" he sighs "I really don't want to though, I don't want to leave you"

"If tonight is all we have then stay with me" I say "If you have to leave tomorrow then I want all the time I can get with you"

"Are you sure your parents won't mind?" he asks and I shake my head

"They will be fine with it" I say "and I'm sure they will let us have some time alone"

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