25. Birthday Suprise

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Roxy POV

A couple of weeks after leaving the hospital I decided it was time i moved out of my sisters and back to my place which was halfway between her and my parents. Damian had helped me move and had even made a start on turning the spare room into a nursery.

Damian was still restricting himself to just doing raw shows as he wanted to be with me until a reached 20 weeks just incase I had anymore problems. It had been a nice surprise to find out that he had won the wwe title and i understood why he hadn't told me straight away. The one plus side to this was I was going to be able to spend his birthday with him today, last night he was on Raw and now I was expecting him here any moment.

I finish folding up our clean clothes and take them to the bedroom to put them away, although we weren't actually living together i had suggested he keep clothes here to save him having to go home for clean clothes.

As I put the clothes away I feel what can only be described at butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I had reached 16 weeks and had started to feel the baby moving and it was both a strange and incredible feeling. Running my hand gently over my bump I head back to the kitchen to find something to occupy myself with to distract myself with how nervous I was.

I wash up the breakfast dishes and pull the plug out to empty the sink only to feel water running over my feet. Looking down I see water running out from under the sink, grab my phone and try calling a plumber but with no luck, sighing I put my phone down, I grab the tool box  before turning off the water and getting under the sink to fix it.

I here the door open and footsteps "Mi amor, are you sure you should be doing that?" He asks

"I'm pregnant, not disabled Damian" I say

"I know baby but you are 4 months pregnant" he says and I know he means well

"the plumber couldn't come for another week and it needs fixing today" I say staying in my spot under the sink.

"Then let me do it" he says "here let me help you up"

Damian helps me out from under the sink and up on to my feet, he wraps his arms around me in a gentle hug and presses a soft kiss to my lips "I've missed you" he says "now sit down while I fix the sink"

I watch as he lays down under the sink and starts fiddling with things "hey you did a great job mi amor it shouldn't take long" he says

"And they say you can't learn anything from youtube" I chuckle and I hear him laugh with me.

"Hey could you pass me a wrench please" he asks and I grab one from the tool box and hand it to him.

Sitting back down I allow my eyes to roam over him, over his long legs that were stretched out across my kitchen floor, up to the hint of v line that was showing where his t shirt had hitched up from him reaching up, there was no doubt in my mind that I loved him more than anything and I was truly lucky to have him be part of my life.

"You ok Rox you've gone quiet" he asks

"Yeah I'm good" I say "I was just thinking about you, about us, I've been doing that a lot lately"

"All good I hope" he says "you know I love you don't you"

"I do and I love you too" I smile "I was thinking how good things have been between us the last 7 weeks, when things are good with us they are really good, we're happy and I really want it to stay that way this time"

"I want that too" he says "you, us, our little one thats all I want and all I need"

"That's good becuase I was wondering if maybe you'd want to marry me?" I ask and the only thing I hear is a loud bang.

When I look up I see Damain emerging from under the sink rubbing his head, and I see a mark on his forehead.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah, I went to sit up and banged my head on the pipe" he says "must have forgot where I was for a moment"

I head over to the freezer and grab some ice and wrap it up in a tea towel before heading over to him and placing it on his head. As he looks up at me we both start to chuckle at the situation, after a moment he stops chuckling but the smile stays on his face as he reaches up and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Sí mi amor" he smiles and I stare at him "yes I want to marry you"

Smiling I capture his lips with mine and he wraps his arms around me before pulling me down onto his lap, we stay like this for a while both of us seemingly forgetting that we are on the kitchen floor.

"Wait" I say breaking the kiss "I forgot something" I say reaching into my pocket and pulling out the silver band that by some miracle Liv had kept hold of despite me telling her to get rid of it. I turn the band slightly so that he can see the engraving I had done mi uno, mi para siempre (my one, my forever).

"I got this the first time I asked you" I say "the words are how I felt then and how I still feel now" I say sliding it on to his finger

"I love it thank you, and I love you so much" he says pressing another kiss to my lips.

"Happy Birthday baby" I smile "I'm sorry I made you bang your head"

"It was worth it" he smiles "it's still early but this is already the best birthday I could ask for"

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