5. More Time

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Roxy POV

When we had arrived at the restaurant we had been shown to a table that was kind of central in the room, I was fine with it but Damian requested a table that was more secluded and private. I could only assume that was so we wouldn't be bothered by fans while we were eating.

While we waited for our food we talked away like we always do, the conversation always seems to flow easily between us and sometimes it feels like we've know each other forever. While we talk Damian keeps hold on one my hands occasionally playing with my fingers, in a way I was starting to wish he wouldn't be so affectionate with me becuase it was messing with my head.

The waiter brings our food and places it on the table and for the first time since we sat down Damian let's go of my hand and I feel my heart sink a little.

"This looks delicious" he smiles "you made a good call with pizza"

"I would take this over fancy food any day" I chuckle

"I'll remember that" he says giving me a wink "so are you doing the house shows this week?"

"Just the one, the night before Raw" I say "what about you?"

"I'm doing the whole lot" he sighs "I was kind of hoping you would be too"

"Why are you going to miss me?" I ask jokingly and I see a slight blush on his cheeks - did I really just make Damian Priest blush?

"Yeah I am" he says "that and I was going to ask you to travel with me"

"You were?" I ask and he nods "well I'm sure if we compare schedules we can find a time when we can do it, and for the record I'll miss you too"

"So you'd want to travel with me?" He asks with a smile

"Of course, why wouldn't I we always have fun" I smile

"Rox I......."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal Mr Priest but my son is a big fan of yours" a woman with a young boy says "would you mind taking a picture?"

"Sure of course not" he smiles "hey little man how are you doing?" He asks as he stand up from the table

"I'm good" the boy smiles "You're my favourite, you're awesome"

"Well thank you I appreciate that" he says crouching beside him "and thank you for being such a big fan"

As I watch Damian with the boy I can't help but smile, he's always so good with his fans especially the kids and it's one of the many reasons I like him so much.
He takes a couple of photos with the boy and signs something for him and the mother thanks him again before leaving.

"Sorry about that cariño" he says sitting down "now where were we"

"It's fine, you were so good with him" I smile "I think you were about to say something to me"

"I was? Well it's gone out of my head now, it couldn't have been important" he chuckles "How's your pizza?"

"It's amazing" I say "what about yours?"

"Incredible, would you like to try some?" He asks and I nod, he cuts a piece off and then picks it up with his fork and feeds it to me, the pizza is delicious but I think I may have enjoyed him feeding me a little more than I should have.

I return the favour letting him try some of my pizza, and we enjoy the rest of our meal uninterrupted.

Damian POV

As we walk to my car from the restaurant I find myself feeling a little disappointed that the evening is over so quickly. I had had such a great time with Roxy and I wasn't ready for it end just yet.

I open the car door for her and watch as she slides into the passenger seat, closing the door I get in the car and start the engine. I take a quick look at Roxy and she smiles at me and I swear my heart just skipped a beat.

As much as I had learned about Roxy through getting to know her the one thing I couldn't do was read her. I could never tell what she was thinking or how she was feeling, if I'm honest Liv seemed to be the only one who could do that, maybe she wasn't fully letting me in, who knows.

"Thank you for dinner" she says "although you really didn't have to pay"

"I invited you out it's only right I pay" I say "as long as you had a good time that's all that matters"

"I had a great time" she says "I like spending time with you"

"Good me too" I say "I like you Roxy"

"I like you too" she says "listen, it's still pretty early we could hang out at the hotel if you like? Unless you have plans?"

"No no plans, I'd love to" I say "we could get a drink in the bar or something"

"I was thinking more all the lines of watching a movie or something" she says and I suddenly begin to feel nervous, was she inviting me back to her room? Once again I couldn't read her and I had no idea what this meant.

"Sounds good to me" I say and she smiles.

When we get back to the hotel, I go with Roxy to her room when she opens the door I hesitate for a moment before walking into the room. She asks me to pick a movie while she goes to get changed.

I remove my shoes and make myself comfortable on the bed as I flick through the movie options, I settle on a classic and one of my favourites The Crow.

Roxy emerges from the bath room in pj bottoms and a tank top and my god does she look good.

"What are we watching?" She says looking at the screen "oh I love this movie, it's one of my favourites" she says getting on the bed and taking me by surprise by snuggling into me.

"Yeah me too" I say placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head before turning my attention to the screen.
Before long Roxy has fallen silent and from her breathing I know she has fallen asleep on me. I try to move but she tightens her arm around me stopping me.

I turn off the TV and somehow manage to remove my jeans and t shirt before pulling the covers over both of us, smiling I place one last gentle kiss on the top of her head "goodnight mi chica" I whisper before turning off the light.

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