7. Who's That?

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Roxy POV

I had had the week from hell, everything had gone badly this week. Every interview I had over ran, every photo shoot went wrong and to top it all off I got pulled from last nights house show. That's how I found myself here, sat in a hotel room in the location for Raw alone.

They had flown me here yesterday becuase I wasn't need at the house show, Damian had been disappointed and so had Liv. Admittedly I was just as disappointed as they were, I had been looking forward to seeing him and spending some more time with him and now I'm here and he's there until later tonight.

I had spent yesterday in my room and ordered room service becuase everytime I thought of something to do I would end up wanting to do it with Damian so I just gave up. I'm not stupid I know there is something developing between us I just don't know what it is or if I'm the only one who senses it, either way it's confusing.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at my door, I wasn't expecting any and I hadn't ordered any food so I had no idea who or what it was, knowing my luck this last week they've probably come to tell me they put me in the wrong room.

Since there is no peephole I open the door slowly and what I see instantly brings a smile to my face, Damian is stood there, a big smile on his face and a pizza box in one hand.

"Oh my god" I gasp throwing my arms around him "what are you doing here?"

"I hated the fact you were here alone so I got an earlier flight" he says hugging me back with one arm and kissing the top of my head

"You got an earlier flight just for me?" I ask looking up at him and he tucks my hair behind my ear "of course didn't want mi chica to be alone any longer than she had to be"

"Well thankyou I appreciate it" I smile as I step aside to let him in the room just as my phone rings, I walk over and look at my screen and see it's a video call from my mum "I'm sorry I have to take this"

"Hey mom" I say answering the call "everything OK?"

"Everythings fine" she smiles "I was just worried about you being alone"

"You don't need to worry, the others should be arriving soon" I say "but thankyou for calling"

"Are you trying to rush me off the phone?" She asks

"No of course not" I say "how's dad doing?"

"He's good, but you know him ignores his limits and does more than he should" she chuckles "I try to keep him under control but I can only do so much I.......who's that?" She asks

"Whose what mom?" I ask

"The man that just walked behind you" she says

I had been so focused on my mom that I hadn't noticed Damian move.

"What man mom?" I ask trying to avoid all the questions I know will follow

"Roxanne I am neither blind nor stupid" she says and out of the corner of my eye I can see Damian laughing, the little shit did it on purpose "is it the man that was at ringside for your match?"

"One and the same" Damian says coming to stand beside me "hi I'm Damian it's nice to meet you Mrs......"

"Oh call me Linda and it's nice to meet you too Damian" she says "Roxanne why were you trying to hide this nice young man from me?" She asks

"I wasn't I just didn't want you asking loads of questions" I sigh "I'm sorry mom"

"Well I'm going to go get us some drinks I'll be right back" Damian says kissing the side of my head "hopefully I'll speak to you again soon Linda"

"Oh you will" my mom smiles and then waits until she hears the door close "so there's nothing going on between you and him huh?  Was that another lie you told me?"

"No we are just really good friends mom that's all" I sigh "but I do like him, a lot"

"You should tell him" she says "if he doesn't feel the same then you can move on, but if he does then I think you two would make a sweet couple"

"I'll think about it, thanks mom" I say as we end the call.

As I put my phone on the bedside table Damian comes back in the room with soda and he smiles at me.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" I ask and he chuckles as I walk over to him, when I reach him he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"So what if I did" he smirks "your mom was worried about you, at least now she knows you have some one with you"

"Yeah and now she'll be working on a list of questions a mile long for our next conversation" I say "so thanks for that"

"I know it's none of my business and you don't have to tell me" he says "but is there something wrong with your dad?"

"He has COPD" I sigh "he lost part of his lung to cancer"

"I'm so sorry mi chica" He says "I'm here for you whatever you need"

"Thank you but it's mild, and it's under control" I say "he always tells me not to worry until he does" I smile

And just like what happened at ringside we find ourselves just looking at each other, his arms around me, my hands resting on his chest. He smiles before leaning in and kissing my forehead gently. "Come on pizza's getting cold" he says

As I watch him walk over to the pizza box my moms worlds circle in my mind, maybe I should tell him but at the same time I don't want to lose him, I love having him in my life and it's just not something I'm prepared to risk.

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