24. Progress

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Roxy POV

Waking up I find the same thing I have have found pretty much every morning I've been in here. Damian sleeping beside me on my hospital bed his head half resting on my shoulder, his body wrapped around mine almost protectively and his hand resting just below my small bump.

He was the first guy I had been with that slept this way all the other times it had been the other way around and honestly I loved it, I loved that he wanted to snuggle up with me and I wouldn't change it for the world. Most days I didn't have the heart to wake him and the nurses would have to do my observations around him, not that they minded because they all had a soft spot for him.

As my bed was only small I had tried multiple times to get him to go to my sisters and get a proper night sleep but he insisted on being here with me, on the occasions that he did leave to get me clothes he was never gone for long. I was truly grateful that I had had him here with me the last three weeks and the way he had taking care of me had shown me that he truly did love me and if anything I had fallen even more in love with him if that was even possible.

"well good morning, how are you and sleeping beauty this morning?" the nurse asks as she walks in the room

"Morning" I say quietly "I'm good, I feel a lot better" I smile

"Good, lets check you blood pressure" she says wrapping the cuff around my free arm, she turns on the machine and it tightens around my but the noise doesn't wake Damian "ok blood pressure is fine, the doctor will be around soon so you will need to wake him" she says

"oh I wasn't expecting him" I say "is it just a check up?"

"yes but I'm hoping he'll have some good news for you today" she smiles "You've been doing really well, and look at that nice bump you have going, it's small but just as it should be"

As the nurse leaves I can't stop myself from smiling, today not only marked my third full week in hospital but a full week without my feeding tube, I had gotten so much better after two weeks that they decided to try me without it and so far I had only been sick twice which was a big improvement on before.

Reaching over I move the hair out of Damian's face and gently stroke his cheek "hey it's time to wake up handsome" I say softly as his eyes flutter open and he smiles at me.

"hey how are you mi amor?" he asks kissing my lips softly

"I'm good, are you alright?" I ask watching him wince slightly as he stretches

"Yeah I'm fine" he smiles "how's little one?" he asks getting up and sitting in the chair

"Baby is doing just fine" I say "The doctor is coming round to see me today, nurse thinks he'll have some good news for me"

"Really, you think he'll let me take you home?" he smiles "Because I am dying to get you out of here and into a proper bed"

"Easy hot stuff" I laugh "we don't know what he's going to say yet, don't get your hopes up"

Just then the doctor walks in with a nurse who is pushing a trolley with a machine on it, she puts it at the side of the bed and then plugs it in before taking a seat next to me.

"Good morning Miss Lowell" he smiles "how are you feeling this morning?"

"Good thank you and even a little hungry" I say "so what's happening today?" I ask looking between him and the machine

"Well we are going to do you 12 week scan, check on babies progress" he says "and then we will talk"

The nurse lifts up my gown and places the cool gel on my stomach "what's that for?" Damian asks taking my hand in his.

"That's ultrasound gel, it allows the ultrasound waves to pass into the body without reflecting off intervening air" the doctor explains, Damian nods before turning his attention back to the nurse as she moves the wand over my stomach, as our baby appears on the screen I hear I soft gasp from him and when I look he has tears in his eyes. I give his hand a gentle squeeze before turning back to the screen.

"Wow look how our baby's legs are" Damian says and I chuckle

"They get that from you" I smile "they could end up being tall like you"

"So baby is making great progress, as I had hoped the baby has caught up and is the size we would hope it would be, and I'd say your due date should be around the end of March" he smiles "now since you are both doing so well Miss Lowell, I am more than happy to discharge you and let you go home, your hyperemesis gravidarum should continue to improve and by 20 weeks you should be fine, however any problems do not hesitate to come back"

"Thank you doctor" I smile "I can't wait to get home"

"I can't wait to get her home" Damian beams "I'm so proud of you mi amor" he says kissing my hand.

As the doctor leaves Damian immediately begins packing up my things and I can't help but chuckle at his eagerness to get me home. Just then he stops what he's doing and turns to me.

"You I had an idea for a name if we have a girl" he smiles "Would you like to hear it?"

"Sure I'd love to" I smile but while I'm smiling I'm also thinking I'm going to regret this

"Well I was thinking about the night we conceived" he says "and about everything that happened and....."

"I'm going to stop you right there" I say "because if the name Eva comes out of your mouth you are a dead man, I am not naming our daughter that"

"Actually I was going to say Tequila" he smiles "it's what I was drinking that night and I thought it would make a good girls name"

"Erm yeah I'm going to give that a no too" I say "I am not naming our child after alcohol"

"Are you sure because I think Tequila Priest sounds good" he smirks

"No it really doesn't, I'm sorry baby but it's not happening" I say "I'm sure together we can find the perfect name"

"Yeah your right" he smiles "Had to put it out there though, we should think of boy names too since we don't know what we are having yet"

"Lets focus on getting me out of here first" I say "then we can start picking names"

Damian nods and smiles before going right back to packing up my stuff, something tells me that won't be the only ridiculous name he comes up with.

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