8. One Sided

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Roxy POV

I had successfully beaten Eva and earned my spot in the finals next week, Damian had kept to his word and had hidden himself in the crowd so that he could be out there with me. There had been no sign of doudrop and I could only assume that Eva was trying to prove she could beat me without help.

Sitting in my hotel room I had no idea what I was going to do, we had some down time between shows but I had literally no plans, so it looked like I was just going to be sitting here alone with a movie and room service.

The thought had crossed my mind to see what Damian was doing, the two of us had become really close and we had so much in common especially our love for music and I knew that we would be able to find something fun to do. The thing was I knew he had other people he liked to hang out with too and sometimes I felt like I was monopolising his time.

Sighing I walk across the room and pick up the phone to call room service when there is a knock on the door, looking through the peephole I see Damian stood there playing with his fingers almost as though he is nervous.

"Hey, this is spooky I was just thinking about you" I smile as I let him in the room

"Yeah? all good I hope?" he smiles nervously

"Of course, always" I smile "So what can I do for you?"

Damian POV

Taking a seat on her bed I was nervous as all hell, not about asking her to go out with me I had done that many times before but because if she agreed to this I was going to take things a step further tonight, tonight I planned to kiss her for the first time, it's something I had wanted to do from the moment I first laid eyes on her but I guess you could say I've been playing it cool.

"I uh, do you have any plans for tonight?" I ask as she sits beside me, sitting so close that her shoulder is touching my arm and it's all I can do to keep thinking straight

"Nope nothing why?" she asks with a smile

"Well I have tickets to Knotfest and I was hoping you would come with me?" I say and the most beautiful smile crosses her face

"Are you kidding? I'd love to go" she says "but why me?"

"Because I can't think of anyone better to go with then mi chica" I smile tucking her hair behind her ear "I'll pick you up at 6 and then you and me are going to have an amazing evening" I press a gentle kiss to her forehead before standing and leaving the room, if all went to plan it really would be amazing.

Later that night

Roxy POV

Damian had surprised me when he'd asked me to come to the concert with him but what surprised me more was that it was just the two of us, usually at stuff like this there was a group of us and I had no idea why he wanted to be alone with me.

Watching him rock out to one of the songs I couldn't help but smile, he looked so happy like he was in his happy place and that made me happy, occasionally he would glance back at me and either smile or wink and every time my heart would skip a beat, god I wish he felt the same.

"Hey come rock with me mi chica" he says holding out his hand, smiling I place my hand in his and he pulls me to stand in front of him. I feel his hands on my hips as he moves us to the music and pretty soon I'm moving all on my own. As we rock out Damian takes out his phone and starts recording us, we sing along and make the rock and roll sign with our hands and then he takes me completely by surprise wrapping an arm across my chest and kissing my cheek.

As I look at the screen I can see him smiling against my cheek and I find myself smiling too. He stops filming and starts doing something with his phone still keeping his arm around me.

Damian POV

Without Roxy seeing I post the video I just took to my Instagram story tagging her in it with a caption saying rocking out with my favourite person - mi chica. I was hoping that it would be a nice surprise for her and as she took out her phone I watched nervously as she tapped on the notification.

She watches the clip without saying a word before turning to look at me smiling, I smile back at her and we stay like that for a moment, taking a deep breath I lean in slightly.

"As sweet as that was you do realise you will have started the gossip mill" she laughs "people are going to think there is something going on between us"

I freeze at her words, could it be that this whole time she didn't realise that I had been asking her out and that our nights out together had been dates? Well at least that's what I intended them to be. Worse still had I read too much into this when it was completely one sided?

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