27. Blessed

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Damian POV

After our trip to Puerto Rico had gone back on the road full time, Raw, house shows, media the lot. My schedule was crammed but any free time I had was either spent at home with Roxy or on the phone with her.

I knew as champion I would become busy and I loved my job, but I loved Roxy and our baby so much more, I missed her terribly every second I was away from her, my arms felt empty at night and my heart ached for her.

I had spent Christmas as home and had surprised her with the diamond engagement ring I had planned to propose with, we had also taken the chance to do some maternity photos by ourselves at home one of which I was looking at right now.
It was a close up of my hands on her bump making the shape of a heart and her hands on top of mine. You could see the ring on her finger and the silver band on mine.

After Roxy had proposed the silver band had become the only ring I wore and when I was out in the ring I wore a black silicone ring on that finger which of course had led to speculation that I had got married in secret. As yet Roxy and I hadn't gone public about anything, when I posted the video of us most of my fans had been excited about it and wanted us to be a couple but there were some who weren't so nice about it, so we had held off making any announcements until now.

Roxy POV

I had been busying myself putting away the stuff from my latest baby shopping trip with Josie, when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Some how we always ended up coming home with half the shop and our little girl had way more clothes than she will need when she arrives.

Looking at me phone I see a notification from Instagram telling me that Damian had tagged me in a post, I knew what it was and I was nervous about seeing the comments, after last time I knew I wasn't universally loved by his fans.

Tapping on the notification I am greeted by a photo of Damain holding up his title and when I swipe the next photo is the close up of my bump and our hands.
My eyes move to the words he has written and for a moment it's like I can't breathe.

This year has been one hell of a ride, I've fought my way to become your wwe champion and that is something I am very proud to be and I intend to be for a long time.
But more important then that this year has blessed me not only with the love of an incredible woman who is soon to be my wife but with the patter of tiny feet as we nervously and excitedly await the arrival of our princesa.
Mi chica, Mi Amor, Los quiero a los dos más de lo que nunca sabrán, y no puedo esperar a conocer a nuestra princesa. Brindo por nosotros y por nuestra pequeña familia, no puedo esperar a pasar una eternidad contigo (I love you both more than you will ever know, and I can't wait to meet our princess. Here's to us and to our little family, I can't wait to spend forever with you).
I love you Roxy
Happy New Year everyone

As I stare at my screen the tears gently fall down my cheeks, my man certainly had a way with words and he had literally just told the world how he felt about me. Wiping my eyes I type a reply at the same time wishing he was here with me so that I could say it to his face and show him how much I love him.

Damian POV

It didn't take long for my phone to start going crazy with notifications but there was only one I was waiting for, only one that really mattered to me and I didn't have to wait long.
When it opens up I find that she has kept it short but what she has said brings a tear to my eye and makes me wish I was with her right now.

Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden decir mi amor y para siempre contigo simplemente no es suficiente (I love you more than words can say my love and forever with you simply isn't long enough)

I'm just about to call her when another comment catches my eye

Eva - some one pass me a bucket 🤢. I mean come on are you even sure it's yours? Who knows what she stoop to to get you to stay with her!

As my blood boils I choose not to respond but block her instead and remove her comment hoping it hadn't been there long enough for anyone to see.
As I do my phone rings and Roxy's name appears on my screen.

"Hey mi amor" I say calmly

"Did you see it? Did you see her fucking comment" she growls "why can't see leave us alone, god knows whose seen that"

"Baby calm down this isn't good for you or princesa" I say "don't worry I've blocked her and removed the comment and if anything comes of it I'll deal with it"

"Damian you don't believe her do you?" Shs asks and I can hear the panic in her voice

"Of course not mi amor, I will never believe another word that comes out of her mouth" I soothe "I know she's mine, don't you remember the last scan where she looked like she was doing my pose? If that doesn't say she's mine I don't know what does" I chuckle and hear her laugh softly.

"Yeah I remember" she says "she kicks like you too"

"Our little archeress of infamy" I smile "I love you mi amor, please stop worrying"

"I love you too and I will" she says "and thankyou for that post it was beautiful, you made me cry"

"You're welcome" I say "I meant every word, it's always going to the three of us against the world"

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