23. Family

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Damian POV

Roxy's parents had stayed for quite some time and it was quite late when they left, I know she had been worried about how her parents would react to out news but it turned out she really had nothing to worry about.
Linda and Clive were extremely supportive and happy for us, I'd even go as far as saying they were both excited about being grandparents.

Not long after they had left Roxy had fallen asleep, the long visit had wiped the little energy she had right now and I was happy to just sit and watch her sleep.
My eyes travel from the small smile on her lips to her very small almost unnoticeable bump, reaching out I slowly and gently lift up her gown and then lean down and place a feather light kiss on her bump.

"Hey in there" I whisper "I don't know if you can hear me becuase I don't know if you even have ears yet but I'm your papi. You know before I met your mom I didn't know what I wanted, I wasn't sure I would ever have a family, but the first time I laid eyes on her something happened, I felt my heart flip and then skip a beat, it was like my heart knew she was my one, my forever. And the first time she spoke to me, and she agreed to hang out with me, man I was like an excited teenager and at the same time I was terrified that she wouldn't like me. I've messed up with your mom more than once, but now that I have her back I'm never letting her go. I may not be perfect but I promise you that I will be the best papi I can be for you, I love you so much already, and I'm going to make sure I never let you down"

I place one last feather light kiss on her bump before pulling her gown back down and pulling the covers over her. Deciding that its a good opportunity for me to go and get her some clean clothes I stand up and place a soft kiss on her forehead "te amo más de lo que jamás sabrás (i love you more than you will ever know)" I whisper before heading out of the room.

When I pull up outside the house I noticed the living room light on, I hadn't expected Josie to be awake so I had taken Roxy's key out of her bag.
I unlock the door and push it open slowly "Josie" I call out and hear sniffling in response. Walking into the living room I find her wiping her eyes and empty wine glass on the table beside her.

"Hey are you alright?" I ask "what's happened?"

"Damian I wasn't expecting you" she says jumping slightly "it's my ex, Izzy's dad. We have been trying to work things out between us but he wanted me to have dinner with him tonight, I told him I couldn't becuase I had no one to watch Izzy. He suggested asking you to do it and I said no becuase that would leave Rox on her own and he got mad, said I was putting my sister before him and that there was no point trying if I didn't care"

"Hey come here" I say pulling her into a hug "if he was here I'd kick his selfish ass" I say and I feel her chuckle against me "I'm serious, you have alot going on, you have Izzy to take care of and your worrying about Roxy, I know you care about your sister becuase that is the kind of person you are, kind, selfless, awesome and if he can't see that then he is not worth your time or your tears, there is someone better out there for you I promise"

"Thank you I appreciate your kind words" she says "but you don't have to say all these things just becuase I'm your girlfriends sister"

"Listen to me, I may not be married or even engaged to Roxy yet but as far as I'm concerned we are family" I say "and I said it becuase I wanted to and becuase it's true, where is Izzy anyway?"

"Oh she's at her dads for the night" she says "so what did you come over for?"

"I came to get Roxy some clean clothes and whatever else she needs" I say "I took my chance while she was sleeping your parents exhausted her, thanks for dumping that on me by the way"

"Sorry about that" she laughs "I thought they would take it better from you since my mom has a soft spot for you"

"They took it very well" I smile "so do you have a bag I can put some stuff in?" I ask.

Nodding Josie stands up and I follow her into Roxy's room, I watch as she busies herself packing stuff into it, clothes, underwear, toiletries.

"There i think that's everything" she says "are you going to be leaving anytime soon?" She asks

"My only commitment is that I have to appear on Raw" I say "so ill be flying out to donthe show and then flying straight back"

"Then you'll need to take Teddy D with you" she says grabbing the bear i had given Roxy off the bed "she named him that, he's really been helping her sleep"

"Well I'm glad it worked" I smile "when I get back to the hospital I'll but the shirt I'm wearing on it, you know freshen the scent up"

"She's lucky to have some one like you" she says "thank you for loving my sister the way you do, and for taking such good care of her"

"She is very easy to love" I smile "I better get back before she wakes up, but if you need anything call me"

Grabbing the bag I head out to the car and make my way back to the hospital and the woman that is quite honestly the love of my life. I can't wait to meet the little human we have created and I'm curious to know if Josie is right or if it's what I'm hoping for.

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