35. Epilogue

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Roxy POV

As I sat on the couch and watched Damian play with our now 5 year old daughter my face held a smile while my heart hurt becuase I know he's hurting. I had decided right after we git married that I  wasn't going to return to the wwe, I was happy being at home with our little girl and it turned out it was probably the best decision I had made.

Shortly after I decided that, we decided that we wanted to have another child, Damian loved being a father and I wanted nothing more than to make him one multiple times over. The joy and pride on his face when he's with Olivia was everything.

After 3 years of trying unsuccessfully we had gone to get ourselves checked out and it turned out we were both fine it just wasn't happening for us, we figured that with Damian being away alot that maybe we were just trying at the wrong time. We had decided   just to focus on Olivia but I knew deep down Damian was devastated that we weren't going to have any more.

Although we had given up trying we were still very active and we weren't being careful in any way. About a couple of weeks ago I started with a very familiar nauseous feeling, I had bought a test but hadn't said anything to Damian becuase I didn't want to get his hopes up.

That test came up negative, but the one I took a week ago said something different, according to that one we are having a baby. I had taken the decision to get it confirmed before telling Damian as I didn't want to disappoint him if the test was wrong - it wasn't.

So now that he was home it was time to tell him, but I didn't want to interrupt the fun he and Olivia were having. Knowing that at some point Olivia would be wanting a drink I had placed the test in the cupboard on top of her juice boxes where he would find it.

"Papi, do the clap" she cheers, Damian's move the bell clap had fast become her favourite thing, whenever she saw him do it she would giggle uncontrollably and clap.

Damian gets on his knees and does a gentle bell clap around her head, she holds her head pretending it hurt and then he gently tackles her to the floor tickling her.

"Ok princesa I think it's time for you to have a drink" Damian says as she coughs slightly from too much laughing. "Do you need anything mi amor?" He asks walking over and kissing the tip of my nose.

"I'm good thank you" I smile and he tucks my hair behind me ear like he always does

"Are you sure you're ok? You look very pale baby?" He says

"I'm fine I promise" I smile but I know he's not buying it

"You've been like this since I got home" he says "maybe I should take you to the doctor"

"Damian I'm fine, please just get Olivia some juice" I say

"Alright but if you're like this tomorrow I'm taking you to get checked out" he says before leaving the room.

As I sit quietly I hear the cupboard door open and there is silence, part of me wanted to go see what he was doing, if he had found it but I soon got my answer as he walked back in the room, juice box in one hand and the test in the other, tears streaming down his face.

"Mi amor is this for real" he asks handing Olivia her juice and then sitting next to me.

"Yeah it's real" I smile my own tears falling as I wipe his away with my thumbs "I had it confirmed the day before you came home"

"You know I was happy just the three of us but this" he says looking down at the test "this is everything"

"What's that?" Olivia asks looking at us intently

"This princesa" Damian says lifting her onto his knee "tells us that mommy has a baby in her tummy, you are going to be a big sister" he says kissing the side of her head.

"Really, can I have a brother?" She says excitedly

"We'll have to wait and see honey" I smile "we won't know for a while yet"

"Papi are you crying?" She asks looking up at him

"Yes but they are happy tears" he smiles "papi is very very happy"

"Can we do the clap again?" She says and he chuckles

"Sure just give me a second" he says moving her off his knee.

He turns to me and leans over me gently, he smiles and then leans down pressing a tender kiss to my lips. I take his face in my hands and hold him there a little longer before finally breaking the kiss.

"I love you so much" he says "you have no idea how happy you have made me"

"I love you too" I smile "and I think I have am idea, I know how much this means to you"

"You're happy too right?" He asks looking a little worried

"Yes of course I am" I smile "I'm just enjoying your happiness"

Damian kisses me one last time before going back to play with Olivia, I smile as I watch them, feeling blessed not only to have them but to have a new life growing inside me, something we had both wanted for so long.

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