Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

*Tara’s POV*

I awoke with a start. Something had changed. My hand went over my chest to where my heart was. It felt warmer. I could feel him. He was getting closer. Conner was coming for me.

A small smile appeared on my face, but vanished as I heard the guards approaching.

Over the past few days, I had suddenly been treated much better. My cell was expanded and cleaned so I could now sit and lay down and I was given better food. I was basically the queen of the cell room now according to my treatment.

However, at the same time, they started doing more to me. At first it was collecting my tissues. No, not the kind you blow your nose in. They took samples of my hair, nails, dandruff, blood and even a sample of my muscle tissue. Besides the last one, having those taken didn’t affect me one bit.

Then they did physical pain tests, which meant poking me with needles all over my body to see if I felt pain there. Since then, they thankfully gave me a day and a half to recover. By the sound of it, they were back for me.

Sure enough, four guards stopped in front of my cell and one opened it. “Out,” he grunted and I complied. Scruffy was right, it was best just to go with what they wanted. I had seen the punishment chambers that those who resisted went. Let’s just say I wanted to keep all of my limbs. So I simply played as their servant. Don’t speak, do as you’re told, and hope everything will turn out okay.

They led me out of the room and to the lab, which I had the path there already memorized. Turn right; go down the blinding white hallway; third door on the left.

Once in there, the guards left and Ivory came out. “Hello,” she said cordially and I didn’t respond. “Oh come on, you can say something. I know you’re not dumb; you can’t fool me.”

Still, I stayed silent.

“There’s no harm in speaking. It’s just you and me sweetie,” she smiled and sat and the grey table. “Sit.”

I did, but still didn’t say anything.

“Tara, there’s nothing to fear. I’m not going to hurt you.”

‘Yeah right,’ I thought dryly.

“You’re a very bright and strong woman,” she continued and searched my eyes for a flicker of emotion or anything, where I gave nothing away. She sighed and took my hands. “You have nice skin,” she commented as her cold manicured thumb ran over the back of my hand. “Very soft, yet strong.”

I resisted the urge to snatch my hand away from her touch and yell and scream for her to leave me alone, to make her let me go. Instead I sat quietly and calmly, keeping my body relaxed and thoughts blank.

When she noticed I still had no intention of saying a word to her, she added, “You should speak up now. It wouldn’t be good to your health if you do. I wouldn’t want this beautiful skin to go to waste.”

My mouth stayed shut as I acted calm and ignorant of her words.

“You’re choice,” she shrugged and stood up; thankfully taking her dead hand off of mine. She gave her classic smirk that gave insight of how truly evil she was, and make me want to claw off her face, before leaving.

A minute later, two other scientists entered the room. I brace myself for the worst, but was only given a normal physical exam.

Right after that, I was taken back to my cell and thrown inside.

For a moment, I stayed still. Once I was sure the guards were gone, I moved a bit and sat against the cold concrete wall before slowly exhaling.

Even now, in my own cell, I couldn’t express myself. I couldn’t do that anywhere in this prison. So badly I wanted to jump up and scream my frustrations out against the world and against the damn White Circle. I craved to bang against the bars, storm my way out of this hell hole, and run back to the warm, comforting arms of Conner. To let him soothe me and assure everything would be okay; that I would never have to worry again. That he’d keep me safe.

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