Chapter 22

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I felt someone poking me. “Uh, Tara?” I heard someone ask.

I just groaned rolled over. “Yes, what is it?”

“Um, well it’s like 6 pm now. We’re hungry.”

I sat up slowly. “Really? It’s been that long?” I yawned, while rubbing my eyes.

“I guess so. I don’t know.” I looked over to see Mirabelle.

“Huh. Must be because I transformed and such. It really does wear out the body.”

“So that’s why Seth is sleepy all the time!” she exclaimed with new realization. “I was really wondering there seeing as he’d sometimes fall asleep during our video games. And I didn’t know what to do with him then.”

“Yeah. It’s natural for a werewolf.” I said, swinging my legs over the side of my bed. As I got up, dad’s shirt fell to the carpet.

Mirabelle picked it up and I reached over onto my bed and snatched the picture of Conner. “What is this?” she asked, recognizing it as a man’s shirt.

“It was my father’s. It’s one of the few things I have left of him now.”

“Oh.” She said, smiling and handing it back to me. I smiled back and hung it up in the closet and put Conner’s picture on top of the dresser. “Who’s that in the picture?” she asked walking toward the picture and peering at it.

“Oh, that’s Conner.” I said. Her eyebrows rose.

“Really? He’s a cute.” She grinned.

“Mirabelle, you already have a boyfriend! And you know he’s all mine.”

“Well, if I can’t see my boyfriend anyways, it doesn’t make a difference does it? Plus waste not, want not.”

“Ugh, Mirabelle! You get to see him tomorrow! It’s not that far away. Plus I never said I didn’t want him.”

“You know what’s coming but never arrives?” she asked.

I sighed. “What?”


“Ugh! Mirabelle! Go downstairs!” I exclaimed, exasperatedly. She did giggling, and I moaned. Is this really going to be having teenage girls are like? Having them hit on my miles away love? Geez, I never thought it would be like this.

I shook my head, and went downstairs. For supper, I threw a pizza in the oven and we had casual chat going on during dinner. I think everyone was tired though, except me. It had been a long day. But since I had my long nap, I wasn’t tired anymore.

Well, since running tires me out, I should go on a run. So I transformed and used the moonlight as my guide while I ran randomly in the surrounding forest. I found a small meadow where the moon shined upon, making the tall grass look like a shade of blue. I was coldish out, but I didn’t mind. This place seemed magical.

I don’t believe Conner is dead at all. If he were, I don’t think I would be able to be this happy. I wonder what he’s doing now, where he is.

I wonder if he’s thinking of me.

There are just so many things I want to know about him now. Hopefully someday soon I can get them answered. After sitting in the meadow for a few minutes, I decided to howl. I don’t know why I just felt like doing it. Something in the wolf part of me said to. After that, I turned on my heel and ran into the night back home. Once I was human again, and safely wrapped up under my blankets, I found indeed I was tired. So, I willingly let myself go to sleep.

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