Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

*Conner’s POV*

We were there.

After days of near non-stop traveling, we finally made it into Canada and soon came upon the place where Tara was being held. Just the thought of being close to her made me smile and my heart fill with hope. ‘Only a little longer now, only a little longer,’ I kept chanting in my head. It was the thing that kept me going.

When I first laid eyes on the building that was her prison, I didn’t know what to think and stayed rooted to the spot. It wasn’t a big or flashy building by any means, but I suppose that’s the point. ‘She’s in there. She’s waiting for me,’ I thought as Carlisle urged me to come back, since I was only meant to take a glimpse in case if guards or cameras caught me.

 After another minute, I did and rejoined the others some distance away where we were setting up our camp, being careful to make sure it was far away enough from the White Circle and to make it ‘invisible’ to other eyes. Sam and the vampires directed this as I watched over Mirabelle and Rena as we set up our small tent. The entire time they complained of being cold.

“I warned you about this when you had the chance to turn back. It’s Canada. In winter. You know it would be cold,” I gave a light scolding. After all, I tried to keep them back. Luckily the rest of the company was vampires and werewolves, whom had no problem with cold like me.

“Still!” Mirabelle whined. Seth came over with a smile and sat next to her.

“What’s new?”

“This little piece of canvas is doing nothing to keep my toes from freezing off,” Mirabelle replied as her teeth chattered.

“Oh, well I can fix that,” he beamed and took her feet in his hand.

“So much warmer...” she sighed.

“No far!” Rena complained as she sat shivering in her winter coat.

“Come here,” I sighed and wrapped my arms around her.

“That’s better,” she relaxed and Seth hugged Mirabelle too. They had just warmed up when Embry peeked in our tent and announced dinner was ready and to come get some before it was all gone.

We did and once I was done eating Alice pulled me aside for a meeting in the other tent that was serving has our headquarters or planning place.

“Okay, what do we have planned coming up now?” I asked.

“Well first we have someone here,” Edward said and from the other tent entrance, walked in Sara.

My blood froze and I stared at her wide-eyed. She calmly took her place in our circle and looked around with a serious expression. “Good to see you all made it here safely,” she spoke.

“Do you...know? How Tara is?” I managed to whisper.

Sara’s red vampire eyes met mine. “She’s alive if that’s what you’re asking,” she answered simply before turning back to the others. “Let’s make plans.”

So we did.

She explained everything that had been going on in the building as of late, excluding the experiments, thoroughly explained to us how the White Circle operated and the routine they went through as well as certain procedures. Taking out a homemade blueprint, she explained the layout and security systems of it.

“So Tara will be here?” I asked, pointing to the one of the largest room where the prisoners were being kept.

“Maybe. At least, that’s where she is now. Depending on what they decide to do to her, she may end up being here, here or here instead,” Sara pointed to other parts of the map including one labeled ‘experimenting rooms’.

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