Chapter 55a

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Okay, so this only the first part of the chapter, but it's what I managed to get typed before I went off to bed and since you all have been waiting so very patiently, I decided to post this bit from chapter 55. Note that this is probably only a third of the length of the full chapter.

Still, enjoy! Comment!

Love, Hayley

P.S. to hold you over until my next update, you can check out my new online journal called "The True Story of Me" :)


Chapter 55

*Tara’s POV*


I felt...weightless. As if I were floating in the air. Upon opening my eyes, I only saw dazzling white light, yet it did not hurt to look upon it. Everything was just white, yet I could see the horizon line and some areas seem to blur out more than others. I could feel the difference between the white ground below me and the air surrounding me, yet still had a feeling of weightlessness.

Hunger, and exhaustion did not affect me at all. Yet, I could control all my actions-thankfully. It felt as if my body was in a neutral state and I could not figure out why.

Parting my lips, I found no need of breathing to sustain myself, but did it out of habit anyway. Being a curious person as I am, I was about to check to see if I had a pulse when a slight shift in the air told me there was another presence nearby.

Turning to my right, I spotted a figure not too far away. Cautiously stepping closer, I witnessed the figure turn towards me. A tall person, with the broad shoulders of a man, wearing a navy colored suit, and with a flower in his hand. Not just any flower either.

An iris.

“Tara,” my father smiled.


*Conner’s POV*


Hours passed in the hospital room. The girls left with their escorts, as I stayed. Thankfully, it seemed normal visiting hours did not apply to me.

Emily came and brought me food. I nibbled on it to please her, but my stress had me far from any actual hunger.

Sometime later, there was a small knock on the door before Carlisle walked in. His face wore a grave expression while his hand held a folder. “What’s that?” I asked in a whisper, not surprised at how thick my voice came out. “What’s wrong?” He didn’t reply, but opened the folder and placed it in my hands, pointing to a certain section before beginning to pace the room. Just seeing Carlisle pace told me something big was up. He never paced.

My eyes quickly scanned the page and what it said had me frozen to the spot. No, it can’t be, it can’t be! I read it four more times before slumping back in complete and utter shock.

“Read the next page,” Carlisle instructed as he gazed out the window through a crack in the blinds. I did, and my stomach dropped further. No.

“Do you think she knew?” he asked, still not setting eyes upon me.

“No. Absolutely not. She would have never left if she had known.” I set the folder aside and buried my face in my hands.

“Then I suppose she never found out while she was in the lab,” Carlisle stated.

“No. She would have had Sara pull her out the moment she found out. Oh my god...”

“You had no idea?”

“None. Never really thought of the possibility, honestly,” I admitted as new tears threatened. How could have this happened? How could have I let this happen?

“I see,” he nodded. Our gazes met and I saw how pained his was. He truly did care and did not want to have to bear this news to me. “I’ll leave you alone now.” Carlisle patted my shoulder before exiting the room.

For awhile I sat alone with my grief and disbelief that this had actually happened. The room was more silent than ever, with only the constant hum of machines to say that Tara was still alive. At least forcefully so. Tears started to pour down my cheeks as I thought of all the could-have beens and the would-have beens. To think something like that came into and left both of our lives long before we got the chance to even acknowledge that it ever existed was almost unbearable.

My shoulders were shaking with heart-wrenching sobs when Zevi entered. Upon seeing my state, he immediately went to my side. “Conner,” he breathed and supported my weight. “She’ll be okay, I promise,” he said-mimicking lies I had already told the girls. “She’s a fighter. She can and will get through this. You both will.”

I sniffed and tried to suppress my tears. “It’s not that, for once. Carlisle was here. H-he told me-” I cut off as my throat closed up. Zevi continued to do his best at soothing while small tears of his own leaked out. I took a deep breath before continuing. “He told me that Tara was...pregnant.”

“WHAT!?” Zevi exclaimed, and jumped up. He became suddenly quite excited. “So you’re going to be a-”

“I said was!” I snapped at him before slumping back in my chair and mumbling, “she’s not anymore.”

Zevi’s face fell. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Conner. I can’t believe...” His arms wrapped around mine as I started to sob again.

“Neither of us knew,” I cried. “We didn’t ever think about it. I wasn’t even sure if something like that was possible with a hybrid. Apparently it is, or was. Either way it’s gone, and now I’m probably going to lose her too.”

He cried with me and didn’t say anything more, since there was nothing to say.

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