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"Jin, I like you. Would you like to go out with me?"

Jungkook shook his head and groaned in frustration by pulling his hair back. He was not quite impressed by his choice of words. He breathed in and out several times and adjusted his hair infront of the mirror. He once again started to practice the sentence by correcting some words.

This has been going on for the past few minutes with Jungkook standing infront of his bedroom large mirror and finding cute way to ask Jin out for a date. It's been two weeks since Jungkook had visited the club. He remembered how Yoongi was encouraging him to express his feelings.

But everytime Jungkook met Jin in his house, cat got his tongue. He couldn't form words by looking at the beautiful woman playing with his girls. He felt like an idiot and a teenage boy who was having a large crush.

For fucks sake, he was once a fuck boy in his college days. Jungkook was a carefree person, and bedded with girls every weekend during his teenage years. He never had problem in wooing girls and he was excellent in charming every human being.

But with Jin, it was different. He didn't like how his usual playboy self disappeared the moment he laid his eyes on the beauty. He decided to get confident and ask her out with him. 

Jungkook could hear giggling sounds from the living room and a smile played over his lips by hearing his angels' voice. Jin was in his house babysitting their girls. It was Friday night already and Jin wouldn't be in his house for the weekend since the girls would be with their mother.

This was his chance to ask Jin out or he might miss this weekend by not spending time with the person who made him weak and all shy. He had already returned from office with a flower which he bought on his way.

Jungkook got drawn to the sunflower which out shined everything. He knew that mostly people would give roses or some other flowers. But when he searched for the symbolization of sunflower, he knew this was the one.

The sunflower describes loyalty and unconditional love. Though it might be too fast to call his feelings as 'Love', Jungkook kind of hoped it would turn the adoration soon into something called love.

Jungkook changed his dress to nightwear and breathed several times before going out of his bedroom. He had the sunflower behind him and walked into the dining hall. He was quite surprised when he saw the living room all quiet.

"How long was I inside?" Jungkook thought to himself but soon his frown turned to a shy smile when Jin walked out of his girls' bedroom and closing it behind him softly. Jin was quite shocked when he saw her boss standing in the living room.

Of course Jin wasn't oblivious by how Jungkook was avoiding her. Ever since he left the club by seeing her dance, Jungkook had been maintaining a fair distance. She thought any time her boss would fire her. So her heart did little leaps by seeing Jungkook standing in the living room.

"I guess it's the time for me to get fired." Jin thought to herself and anxiously pulled her hair behind her ears before walking towards her boss.

Jungkook was gulping hard and when he opened his mouth to speak only air was released. He cleared his throat and tried not to look down at Jin's beautiful legs which was showing from her flowy skirt. Jin was wearing a oversized purple sweatshirt with a skirt beneath it. But the oversized top was already falling around her mid thighs.

"T-The girls are asleep already, Jungkook. I have put them to sleep just now." Jin broke the silence making Jungkook to blink his eyes from those gorgeous thighs. He was thankful that Jin didn't witness him staring at her body.

"Oh!" Was all Jungkook whispered but thankfully Jin heard it because it was complete silence in the living room. Jin bit her lips by trying so hard to not show her emotions. She nodded silently and walked to the sofa to pick up her bag. She slung it over her shoulders and turned around to find Jungkook still standing in the same place.

"I-I have to go. I will see the girls on Monday." Jungkook felt like an complete idiot by seeing Jin walking out of the room. He didn't know how or why but he sped up quickly and held the delicate wrist of Jin who gasped in shock by the touch.

Jin who was about to open the main door left a quite gasp and her alpaca eyes widened by seeing the tattooed fingers holding her wrist. The hold was tight enough to stop her from moving but soft enough to not hurt her hands.

"I-I am sorry, Jin. I have to speak to you." Gently Jungkook removed his hands from the soft wrist making Jin to turn towards him completely to pay attention. Of course Jin was expecting to her boss to say that 'You are fired' but she comically widened her eyes when she saw Jungkook holding a Sunflower infront of her.

The Jeon house was silent with only sounds of Jungkook and Jin breathing. Jin gulped hard by seeing the flower and she didn't know what to say. She didn't understand why her boss was doing this nor why he was offering a flower.

"T-These are for you." Jungkook whispered and looked up to find Jin having her wide eyes fixed on the flower without blinking. A shy smile played over bunny lips before Jungkook placing it carefully behind Jin's ears.

Jungkook pushed the stem of the flower gently in Jin's hair until the sunflower settled inbetween the space above her ear. He slowly caressed the silky hair and his eyes softened by how beautiful Jin looked with Sunflower.

Jin blushed heavily by the sweet gesture. Her crooked fingers slowly made it's way to the flower petals and gently touched it. She could feel the softness and wetness of the flower in her fingers.

"W-What are you doing, Jungkook?" Finally Jin had courage to speak because she was quite confused by her boss's gesture. A heavy sigh left Jungkook's lips before frustratingly pushing his hair back.

"I am not sure. I am trying to express my feelings for you. I-I like you, Jin. And I would like you to go out with me. Yes, like a date. I want to date you but I would understand if you don't reciprocate my feelings.

But I also want you to know that I am not asking you out because you like my girls.  No, I am not trying to replace their mother's place or asking you out for the sake of my children. I want to know more about you because I am interested in you. I genuinely want to spend time with you alone and want to see where our journey takes us.

So, Jin will you go out with me?"

Jungkook left a heavy breath after pouring the words that was stuck in his throat. All this time his eyes were focused on the floor. And now with little bit confidence, he looked up to see Jin opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

He would understand if Jin didn't like him the same way. But deep inside he felt that she liked him. After a minute, Jin blinked few times and gulped hard by seeing Jungkook waiting for her answer. She thought her boss was going to fire her but not this.

Jungkook's doe eyes were eagerly waiting for her and looking at her plump lips to move and say something. Jin bit her lips anxiously and licked her dry lips before looking at Jungkook for a second. She could feel the sincerity in his words and his eyes were saying the same too.

But Jin didn't know what to do, except one thing.

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