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"You ran away? Are you kidding me?" Jin groaned and stuffed her head on the pillow by hearing her best friend's yelling. She was lying on her stomach on the bed and whining like a baby.

After Jungkook expressed his feelings, Jin was dumbstruck. The first thing she did was running away from the house. She turned her back at her boss and ran out of the Jeon's house. Her heart was beating faster when she took the cab for her house.

When Jin reached her house, she threw her bag casually and ran inside the shared bedroom with Jimin and plopped down on the bed by punching the pillow. Jimin who was busy in talking with his boyfriend Taehyung, hung up the call and asked what happened to her.

The moment Jimin had heard enough, he started to scold his best friend who acted silly. Now Jin was pouting heavily and stuffing her face on the pillow even harder.

"Get up, Jin." Jimin threw the pillow away making Jin to sit on the bed uncomfortably. They weren't bothered by Jin's skirt ridden up her stomach, showing off her purple panties. Jin was pouting with puppy eyes and didn't have guts to look at her best friend.

She never liked Mad Park Jimin. He was dangerous and now he was turning into that one.

"Jin, do you realize what you have done?" Jin rolled her eyes in annoyance and took the pillow on her other side before placing it against the headboard. She scooted towards that and laid her back on the pillow while sitting by folding her hands against her chest.

"I know, Minnie." Jimin who was trying to control his anger, softened his eyes when he saw tears forming in Jin's eyes. Immediately, he rushed towards his best friend and sat infront of her by holding her shaky hands.

"So, I guess you don't like Jungkook." Jimin simply shrugged his shoulders but he got his answer when Jin's alpaca eyes widened in horror. A smirk played inside Jimin's head but he didn't show it.

"I-I," Jin gulped hard and tried to give an answer to Jimin. But she stayed silent at the end. The two best friends were sitting on the bed with silent taking over for long time. Jimin was waiting patiently for Jin to speak first. And just like he expected, Jin hugged the pillow against her body and expressed her feelings.

"I was scared, Jimin." Jin whispered slowly while her hands softly reaching over her ears where the sunflower was. Her plump lips twitched into a light smile before turning to a frown.

"Scared of that bunny guy? Seriously? I have been working with him for few months, Jinnie. Why were you afraid?" Jimin softened his tone while he caressed Jin's chubby cheeks. Jin almost closed her eyes by the soft hands touching her face.

"I am not scared because of Jungkook. I am scared of what he said." Jin pouted and controlled her tears from falling away from her eyes.

"What did he say?"

"He said, he likes me. H-He wants to go out with me."

"And you don't want that? Am I right?"

"No." Jin shook her head continuously before harshly wiping her tears. She placed her pillow on the bed and sat on her knees by holding Jimin's small hands.

"It's not usual for me to hear a man saying that he likes me. I-I got used to people being disgusted by me, Jimin. The only place where people likes me is in the club."

"So you think Jungkook is playing around."

"No, he is serious and he is genuine."

Jimin groaned loudly and hid his face in his hands. He rubbed his temples softly before looking at Jin looking somewhere else with empty emotions.

"Jin, you deserve to be liked. And I know about Jungkook. He never showed interests on people because he was concentrating on his work and his children. But that guy is expressing his feelings for you is not something to be afraid of."

"Y-You don't get it, Jimin. I know Jungkook is a good guy. Fuck, he was the first one who even saw me as a woman and respected me as one. I was having crush on him ever since I laid my eyes on him. But I know I should be jumping in sky when he reciprocated my feelings. But I just couldn't."

"And why is that?"

"Because what if he changes suddenly. After dating me, he might not like me and to worse he would fire me. I would lose everything. Of course dating comes with intimacy. I-I don't have what other women have except the breasts. He might get turned off by seeing me and start to hate me for that.

I don't know Jimin. It was the first time for me to witness a man liking me and that too someone whom I like a lot. He might like me for now, but who knows what would happen in the future."

Jimin was patiently listening to his best friend and he was sad by seeing Jin underestimating herself. She didn't like how Jin was only thinking about bad consequences.

"Jin, stop with your negative thoughts. It won't do any good for you. And secondly, erase the 'What If's' questions.

You are beautiful, kind and the best person anyone could ask for. Don't let your mind to break your heart. Jungkook likes you, and you like him. Nothing more is important when you both are mutually in this together. And I am sure Jungkook would have thought about this more times than you. He has expressed his feelings after realizing that you are the one for him.

You are right. We don't know what the future holds for us. But don't you want to know where this takes you? Don't you want to feel being loved and being in love with someone? Hasn't that been your dream all this time. To be respected and to be loved for what and who you are."

Jin pouted and nodded slowly. Of course Jimin was right. Jin always wanted someone with whom she can spend her life with. And when Jungkook said his feelings, she got tensed and started to imagine negative stuffs.

In her life, no one loved her truly except Jimin. And she didn't want to get fooled by other men and get played around. But deep inside she knew that Jungkook was not joking around.

"So, you think I should go out with him?" Jin asked while biting her lips shyly. Jimin smiled softly before ruffling her smoothy hair with adoration.

"I am not going to tell you that. It's your decision, Jin. But I will support you with whichever you decide. You can think about it and inform Jungkook. I hope you take a wise decision."

Jimin said before leaning down to kiss on Jin's forehead and  plopping beside her by laying on the bed. Jin knew that she needed to say something to her boss. She wasn't sure how and what Jungkook would be thinking about her.

The two best friends snuggled each other while drifting off to sleep sooner.

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