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It's the next day and the miner has started the work of digging a tunnel. The Panduputris had told Kunti about the conspiracy to burn them alive, she was upset but not exactly shocked at that.

"I had not expected Suyodhanaa and Soubalaa to stoop so low. But again I am not exactly suprised." Kunti said disappointed.

"Mata, if we have to fight then let us pick arms ! Living like this has no point." Parthvi asked.

"I agree with Parthvi. Let us resort to weapons and make Suyodhanaa pay. We are no cowards." Vallabhi said.

"No. If this was cowardice then Arya and Kakashree wouldn't have suggest the way of escaping." Yaudhevi said.

"But what's the point of this ? Why are they suggesting us to escape secretly ? I want to know the reason." Nakulaa said.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming there way and they all pretend as if nothing had happened as two dasis carrying a sandook came in.

"Hail the Rajmata and princesses ! Yuvraj Sagar has sent this from Hastinapur." The dasi said.

"You can go." Kunti said and the dasis left.

Yaudhevi went towards the Sandook and opened it. She found there were five weapons in them, a spear, a mace, a bow, a sword and an axe. Inside there was also a note.

"We have our weapons, then why would Arya send new ones ?" Vallabhi asked.

"Jiji what's there in the note ?" Devami asked.

Sometimes the enemy surrounds you from three directions and leaves no way to escape then one must retreat backwards feigning defeat.

This makes enemy carefree and makes them let their guard down. That's when one should seize their opportunity and attack so the blood of the enemy can spill.

Yaudhevi read out the note and all of them frowned.

"What is the meaning of this ?" Kunti asked.

"Feigning defeat ? Pretending to be dead !" Vallabhi said.

"Makes the enemy off-guard and they let their guard down ? Suyodhanaa jijj and Soubalaa Mosi !" Parthvi said.

"Blood of the enemy can spill ? Spill their secrets !" Nakulaa said.

"So Arya Sagar and Kakashree Vidur want to know the true intentions of Suyodhanaa and Soubalaa mosi. Thus they are asking us to pretend as if we got burned in the fire." Yaudhevi said.

"And that way perhaps Suyodhanaa jiji Soubalaa Mosi shall spill her secrets and true intentions and for that they should believe that their plan was successful." Devami said.

"They we should follow their suggestion and make Suyodhanaa and Rani Soubalaa believe that their plan was successful. Now make sure Purochan doesn't come to know of this." Kunti said.

"As you say Mata." The Panduputris nodded.


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