Chapter 14 Part 1

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!" my alarm awakes me from my dead sleep.

     I slap my clock until I hit the snooze. After lying in bed for a few more seconds, I lazily roll out and grab my clothes and a towel before I hop into the shower. Our water had finally been turned back on, but the heat hadn't. So I scrubbed as quickly as possible and made short dips into the water. There was no enjoying my showers; I only did what was necessary and got out as fast as possible. The cold air quickly whipped my body as I stepped out; making me grab my towel a little faster than I usually would. Drying off as fast as I possibly can, I jump into my jeans and sweatshirt. Then, I shove my toothbrush in my mouth as I gather up my clothes and stick them in the laundry.

     Even after all that, no one was awake as I crept down the stairs to make breakfast. I pulled out a pan and then grabbed the egg carton and bacon from the fridge. Turning the stove on, I glided a piece of butter across the pan and began cracking the eggs. Soon, they began to bubble up and I started carefully flipping them over. Shortly after, the eggs were done, so I stuck them on a plate and started the bacon. The kitchen started to fill with a pleasant aroma, making my stomach growl. It didn't help that the bacon started to crackle, reminding me of the days when Mom and Eddie were still around.

     Every Sunday, they'd wake up early and cook us all an amazing breakfast, which we would sit down together and eat before we went to church. Then, when mass was over, we would go out to eat, and then come home to play a game or watch a movie. Sundays were always family days. I missed it so much. I soon found myself off in memories past, not paying any attention to the food, until I smelt something burning. I quickly snapped out of my daze and rushed to turn the burner off.

"Oh, great. Try to make something special and it always is screwed up," I mutter to myself, checking the bacon.

     A few had made it without burning, so I stuck those on Dallas' plate and saved the others for me to eat, not wanting to waste any of the little food we had. I then stuck her plate on a tray, along with a glass of orange juice, and brought it up to Dallas.

"Rise and shine!" I say, sitting on the edge of her bed. Dallas slowly stretches her arms out and begins to open her eyes, yawning the whole time.

"Oh, Demi, this looks delicious! Thank you!" she says, pulling me into a hug.

"I burnt the bacon a bit but I salvaged the good ones for you," I say with concern. "Don't worry about it. This is great. I love you," she says, quickly inhaling the platter.

     Soon, all of it was done, including the orange juice. Setting the tray aside, Dallas got up from her bed and said,"I'd love to talk more, Dems, but I've got to get dressed. Hopefully I'll see you tonight. I love you and have a great day at school."

     She then hugs me once again and kisses me on the cheek.

"Love you too, Dal," I say with a half smile.

     It's not that I didn't mean what I said; it's more that I didn't want to see her go. I love Dallas so much, but I've barely seen her for any more than 5 minutes at a time in the past few months and I miss her. I miss family day. I miss us all being together. I miss the old times when Mom and Eddie were still with us. But those are just memories now; and things will never be like they used to. I just needed to learn how to accept that and move on.

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