Chapter 15 Part 4

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    I began to push my eyebrows together and bite my lip in an attempt to control my emotions. Looking side to side and blinking fast, I held in the tears that grew in my eyes like a tsunami about to unleash.

"How-why-that doesn't even make sense! My sisters were there with me! They can attest to you that I didn't do it!" I say, still in utter disbelief.

"Oh, but of course they would have your back on that one. They too would benefit from his death. It's the perfect set up. And from what the cop wrote down at the station, Dallas seemed really rehearsed in what she had to say. In fact, it seemed like she had it planned. The more and more you speak, the more and more evidence piles against you. If I were you, I wouldn't say another word. Now that I'm done with you, you may go back to class. But don't worry, this isn't the last you'll see from me. In fact, if it all goes my way, this is just the first of many visits. Goodbye, Demi," Wilmer says with the highest satisfaction.

     I sit in my chair and just stare at the ground as Wilmer packs his bag and heads out of the office. There is a moment of silence from when the door slams shut and we process what just happened.

     Principal Anderson, clearly as shocked as I was, says shakily,"Uhm, Demk, I'm going to need you to head back to class. Here's a pass to give to your teacher."

     As I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder, he hands me a pink slip. I take it in my hand and avoid eye contact as I head out the door, continuing to stare at the floor. Wiping my eyes, I turn the corner to head to second period, when I'm suddenly startled by someone popping out in front of me from the floor. I look up and see it's Joe, all bloody and bruised with an ice pack held to his face.

"What are you doing out of class?" I ask, continuing to walk.

"Nurse said I could go home, but I needed to see you. What happened in there?" Joe's eyes gaze at me with great concern, making my emotions rise even higher.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine," I quickly dismiss, not wanting him to worry about me.

     My pace speeds up, but is quickly stopped my Joe's hand grabbing my arm. We're stopped, but I don't even try to push pass him and continue walking. Instead, I just stare at the floor in silence.

"Clearly something happened. What's wrong, Demi?"

     I shake my head over and over again, and the tears spill through my clamped eyes. "C'mere," Joe says, pulling my head into his chest.

     I sob into his body, tears soaking his shirt.

"I can't do-oo this, Joe. I just c-can't," I moan into his chest.

     He begins to rub my backs and stroke my hair, holding me close to his body.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm here. I'll never leave you, okay?" and Joe plants a kiss on my head.

     I continue to cry in his arms, starting to settle down a bit.

"That's right, just let it all out. You're okay," he continues to sooth.

     I look up at Joe, wiping my eyes with my sleeves.

"I'm sorry. It's just all so much right now and I can't handle it anymore. I didn't mean to break down like that. I'm sorry," I say to him, feeling embarrassed about what just happened.

"Hey, don't say you're sorry. You're so strong, Dem. Even the bravest need a shoulder to cry on. I want to help you, Demz. What happened in there?" Joe says, and we start to slowly walk down the halls. I consider telling him, realizing now he certainly knows I'm upset an he's just going to worry about what's bothering me; there's no use in hiding it now.

"I want to tell you, but not here," I say, still uncomfortable with being at this school.

"Come with me and we'll take the day off."

     We turn another corner and I turn to Joe and say,"I can't do that. You've been dismissed but I haven't. I gotta get back to class." I hold up my pink slip to Joe, proving it true.

"Then come with me. The nurse knows me real well. I can get her to let you out. C'mon," Joe says, nudging his head to the side and blocking my way in the hall to continue further.

"Fine," I give in, and I turn around with him to head to the nurse's office.

     Joe slips into the room while I wait at the door. I hear him whisper a few kind words to the nurse, and she turns to me and smiles; it worked. The old lady hands Joe a white slip, and we head put to the main office to sign out. The secretaries give us a few dirty looks as Joe signs us out. I couldn't blame them, I guess. I mean we did look like a mess; my face stained with mascara and Joe's all bruised and bloody.

"Thanks, have a nice day," Joe smiles as he puts down the pen and clipboard at the desk.

"See, that wasnt so bad," Joe says, holding my hand as we head out the door.

"No, nothing compared to what happened in the office," I sigh.

"Alright, we're out of the building now, what happened?"

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