Chapter 19 Part 2

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I pay close attention to where Wilmer is taking me, in case I do live to call for help. Soon, I feel the ground change from grass to cement; we must be approaching his car. Sure enough, I hear the sound of car keys and a trunk open. Right then, Wilmer picks me up and throws me inside.

"No messing around," he grunts, and the door is slammed shut.

Once I hear the engine turn on, and feel the car pull away, I begin to pull the bag off my head and take the gag rope out of my mouth. My body aches from that simple movement, probably from all the bruises I undoubtedly just gained. Free from the restraints, my hand traces down the back of my head 'til it reaches a wet spot, the same place the nail had pierced my skin. Instinctively, I pull my hand back to the front if my face so I can examine the amount of blood, but it's too dark in the trunk.

I felt so helpless in the back of Wilmer's car. It was small, dark, and smelled strongly of alcohol. I had no clue where I was, and no way of planning an escape.

All of a sudden, the car makes a quick break and my body jolts forward, causing me to fly into to door. My head hits first, followed by my body, and the world starts to spin. Feeling nauseous, I begin to fade in and out of consciousness until all turns black.

"Rise and shine. We're here. Lets go," I hear Wilmer say.

I open my eyes but my vision doesn't change. It's pitch black out; it must still be night time. I begin to sit up, but it's all too much and my body collapses back down.

"C'mere," Wilmer grunts, and he picks me up to carry me inside.

Then I begin to think. Where are we exactly? Could he be that dumb and be taking me to his apartment? No, that couldn't be true; there's light posts everywhere in that apartment complex. I am lost as to where we could be.

Soon, I hear cars rushing by, which had their low beams on, allowing me to catch little glimpses of the mysterious location. It doesn't take long before I realize we are walking the streets of a run down city. After not much time at all, Wilmer makes a turn and heads down some stairs into what appears to be an underground pawn shop.

"You're not to make a sound, understand? Not that anyone would hear your cries anyway," Wilmer instructs.

I nod my head slightly before Wilmer opens the door and we enter. Inside, the lights are dim and the store appears to be run down. A few boxes are scattered here and there with various items. It seems to me that the shop was abandoned, and Wilmer seized the opportunity to use it as his lair. Maybe this was where he went when he claimed he was at the station...

Once we pass through the atrium, we enter into a room that looks like more of a study, complete with a table and chairs. He puts me down on one and takes a seat himself right across from me. The whole set up reminded me of the day I was called into the principal's office, only to find out I was going to have a confrontation with Wilmer. And just like that time, he started the talking.

"Demi, why do you think you're here?" Wilmer starts off, leaning on his elbows, which rested on his knees, with closed hands.

I try to find the words to speak, but I can't. After swallowing many tears, and trying many times to strong a sentence together, I let out a weak,"I don't know."

My words come out almost like a croak, as if I had strep throat. Once again, I try to hold in the tears and appear brave. But I knew I wasn't fooling him; and he knew that I knew that as well. This all made it even more fun for Wilmer to manipulate me, because he knew he was going to win.

"Demi, let me take you back to where it all started. Let me put the pieces together for you. I almost forgot how in the dark you are about this whole thing. So please, relax. I'm sure you'll enjoy this thrilling tale."

I stare right at Wilmer as the street lights occasionally flicker and light up his face. When they do, I can see the sick, thirst in his eyes, and the creepy grimace on his face. He's happy, he's thoroughly enjoying this, and he's at ease. I, on the other hand, disobeyed him for the first time that night; I could not relax.

10 comments before I continue :) 💜

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