Chapter 63: The Cottage

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A/N: Content warning for mature scenes at the end of the chapter :)


The Weasleys' Aunt Muriel's cottage was more spacious than you'd initially thought, which became evident when Bill showed you to your respective bedrooms. Hermione and Luna shared one spare room, while Ollivander was in another and Griphook was in the one opposite that of the wandmaker's. Bill and Fleur had their own room, obviously, and they led you and Fred up to the attic where yet another spare bedroom was set up, while George, Ron and Harry settled downstairs in the living room on the pull-out couches. And as was to be expected, not much conversation was had on the first night there.

You grimaced as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. There was a bruise on your jaw from where Greyback had struck you, and on the other side of your face, there was a thin but deep bloody gash across your cheekbone where Bellatrix had slashed her blade. There was another thin but painful cut on one side of your throat, where she'd briefly pressed her small knife, and a line of blood had trickled down and stained the collar of your shirt.

You scrubbed your hands in the sink and splashed water on your face, gently washing away the mixture of blood and dirt that was there, and then you changed into a clean t-shirt from your bag.

When you left the bathroom, Fleur kindly beckoned you to sit down at the kitchen table where Luna was applying a salve of some sort to Hermione's cut arm and grazed face. When she was done, Hermione stood up and pulled you into a long hug, and then pulled back to look at you with wet eyes.

"Thank you, Y/N," she whispered and you shook your head and squeezed her hand, "you would've done the same for me."

She smiled sadly at you and you sat down in one of the empty chairs next to Luna, leaving Hermione to join the others in the living room while the blonde girl turned to look at you curiously.

After a moment she lifted the small pot of healing salve in her hands and quietly applied it to your face before speaking, "you're very brave you know, I can tell why you were put in Gryffindor."

"Thanks, Luna," you told her earnestly, trying not to wince at your stinging face, and she nodded and then averted her eyes as she screwed the cap back onto the pot.

"I'm sorry about what Dad did, by the way. He wouldn't- he'd never willingly betray Harry like that," she said quietly and you reached across the table and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"It's okay, Luna. We understand why he did it, any of us would've done the same if it meant saving each other," you told her with a small smile and her wide blue eyes met yours before she nodded and smiled softly at you and patted the hand you had on her other one. Then she stood up and smiled at Fleur who had stayed quiet during this exchange, and went into the living room to join the others.

Fleur pushed off the kitchen counter where she'd been leaning and sat down in Luna's empty seat, "perhaps you should stop putting yourself in harm's way for your friends, no?" she asked with a teasing smile and you knew she was referring to when you fought off Greyback to save Bill's life last year.

"Never," you told her firmly, but you grinned at her.

The beautiful blond girl studied you and then reached forward to touch your matted plait, "I will cut your hair, it is a mess. You will feel better when it is tidy. The boys all need their hair cut too, they do you say? Feral."

You chuckled, "that would be great. Thanks, Fleur."

She smiled at you once more as she stood up from the table, "would you like a cup of tea? Bill taught me how to make a nice cup."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now