Chapter 1-The day that changed me

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Screams, gunshots, that's all that was heard in the dead of night in the Blaze village, a place thought to hold and protect the people who lived in it.

But now, now they were being hunted, killed, and for what? Being different from everyone else, supposedly they were monsters in the eyes of normal people.

And one of the young shifters didn't know what was happening, all they knew was their family was being murdered just outside his home.


The young shifters breathing increased, he was having an anxiety attack, hearing everything, even the sound of blood hitting the cold snow outside his burning home, he was so frightened he didn't even shift into his wolf.

"Liam!" The door to his home busted open, startling the poor kid, Liam nearly shouted in fear but stopped once he saw the caring eyes of his mother and father.

"Liam, thank god!" His mother cried tears of Joy when she saw her son was alive. She ran to him and picked him up into her arms, hugging him tightly.

"Mom, what's happening?" Liam asked quietly, noticing his father keeping a lookout outside.

His mother, Hailey, kept quiet for a few seconds before speaking. "There are bad people coming after us, the guards got Mary out of the village, but now we need to—" she couldn't finish her sentences as an explosion rocked their house, the roof started to collapse.

"Hailey! Liam!" Liam's father Elise ran over the them, tackling the two to the ground, laying above them.

The roof fell onto Elise's back, he didn't move, prioritizing his wife and son's safety. After a few excruciating minutes, Elise pushed the broken wood away and off of him and his family.

"Come on, we need to go." He said out of breath, he looked down seeing the fear in his son's eyes, it broke him.

"Come on, Now!" Elise shouted and pulled Hailey to her feet, Liam still in her arms. "Liam, I want you to close your eyes, okay?"

Liam nodded and shut his eyes, holding onto his mother tightly.

"Remember what I taught you? Right?" Elise pushed some rubble out off the exit, looking outside, seeing it was clear he ushered Hailey out of the house with Liam, he stayed right beside his wife.

"Drown out the bad, keep your head up and fight ahead." Elise said calmly, his eyes scanning everywhere. "Repeat my words."

Liam repeated the words his father had said to him, his hands shaking in fear, he only wanted to disappear form this hell.

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