Chapter 17-What it means to be a hero

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Liam and Kate leaned over to both get a drink the chocolate treat, they both had light smiles on their faces as this moment was one of their happy ones.

"You two look like you're having a fun date." The two young adults eyes widened, they jumped back both slightly coughing in surprise.

"Clint!?" They both yelled in panic.

The minutes after the Archer showed up was slightly awkward for the shifter and female Archer. Clint had made Liam and Kate sit next to each other, this shifter was on her left.

The Avenger had ordered his own food and ate quietly while the two young adults had trouble making a conversation.

"How much did you see?"

Clint grinned slightly. "Enough, just don't let this mess with what we need to do."

"I-it's not like that." Liam and Kate both muttered, the thoughts in Liam's head betrayed him.

"Sure." Clint shook his head and continued to eat.

Liam sighed, letting his head hit the table, he's never felt this embarrassed in his life, well, actually there was one time when he walked in on Yelena changing. "She won't let me live that one down." The blond black widow still teases him about it to this day.

Kate noticed the shifter was going to be useless in trying to make this situation less awkward so she took it into her own hands. "Uh, hay, Clint!" Kate winced as she accidentally shouted this.

"I know this may sound weird. But I've dreamed of this for as long as I can remember. My dad was fearless. And his whole life was about helping people." Liam raised his head and sat up. "When I put that suit on, I thought, 'this is it. This is the moment I become who I'm supposed to be.'."

"I remember the day I thought the same thing." Clint looked slightly hurt. "You know, it's uh... it comes with a price."

"What does?" Kate asked.

"The life you wanna live, to help people." Liam said quietly, Clint looked over to the boy and noticed his mood flipped instantly for a second before he came back to his senses.

Clint wanted to tell the kid something but he knew he already knew what it meant to try and be a hero. "To try and help people, it comes with a lot of sacrifices. And some things you'll lose... forever."

"Like Elliott losing his wolf." Lima stated, Clint nodded at the boys statement.

"Well, there's also things you gain, like trick arrows and a cool costume."

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