Chapter 25-We fell in love (LEMON)

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The thought of getting into the shower with someone was a frightening one, even for a shifter who's killed, nearly died and acts like a confidant person.

Though, right now he's losing it, his mind is going wild, he was inside Kate bathroom, extremely large. It had a tub on the end on the room, two sinks, a standing shower surrounded by glass... The door to the bathroom was locked.

"Kate... you don't have to do this you know." Liam said silently, standing in the shower, warm water running over his body, he wanted to bang his head against the glass surrounding him but he knew that was a bad idea. It's been a minute, and Kate was still standing outside the glass door of the shower.

"No, I'm doing this, I chose it." She said determined.

"You can change your mind." Liam said, his hand running down his face.

"Are you nervous?"

He heard the glass door opened, some of the mist escaping out. Liam jumped. "No! I'm not!"

Kate giggled lightly as the glass door shut. "Don't worry, I'm nervous too." The girl kept her eyes up. Liam looked at her, doing his best not to let his eyes drop down to her nude body.

"So... wanna get clean?" Kate's head tilted slightly, her hair stuck to her neck and shoulders, her eyes glued to Liam's.

"Y-yeah." He moved over to let Kate get under the water.

He watched as her hair got wet, the water running down her toned body, she was fit, like real fit, her stomach was toned and her back looked just as good, he felt like he was in a trance, one be never wanted to leave.

Kates eyes scanned Liams upper body, noticing the scarred tissue on the shifters chest, arms and abdomen. "Those scars... are they from 2016?" Kates voice brought him out of his trance, it was smooth, calm, it made him feel comfortable.

"Yeah, they are... besides the ones on my abdomen." Liam said. "It's still not gotten to me that that stuff really happened, even if I have excepted it... it's still hard to believe."

"I bet, I can't imagine how horrible that was. It's definitely a lot to process." Kate ran her fingers through her black hair that stuck to her neck and down her shoulders.

Across her left shoulder Liam noticed a long scar from her right shoulder blade down to her mid back. "Don't act like I'm the only one with scars, that one on your shoulder can't be because of the fall from the chandelier."

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