Chapter 16-Holiday date

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Liam, Kate, and Clint were sitting on a set of steps in front a a building, they were waiting for a doctor to show up so they could get Clint's hearing aid fixed.

Kate taped Liam on his shoulder showing him something she typed onto her phone. It was a message for Clint. "Good thing they call you HawkEYE and not HawkEAR." She pushed send.

Liam chuckled. "He's gonna kill you."

Liam watched as Clint took out his phone and read the message. The archer let out a dry laugh. "Block. Delete."

"Told you." Liam hit Kate's shoulder before standing up as he saw the woman they were waiting for walk towards them. "Morning."

"What are you waiting for?" She asked.

"You actually. You're the doctor, right?" Liam asked politely.

"I'm very busy." She said as she unlocked her door.

"Actually, we really need this fixed, I'll pay a little extra." Liam held up Clint's hearing aid. "Please."

"Give me five minutes. Cash only." The woman said.

Liam nodded and haded the aid back to Clint as well as handing him a few hundred dollars just in case it cost a lot more.

"Hay, I can't take this—"

"It's on Elliott." Liam signed with a grin, he was thankful he learned sign language now. "Let's go Kate, let's get something to eat, I'm starving." The shifter started to walk away.

"Uh, oh! Alright!" Kate followed. Liam waved at Clint before the two young adults and the golden retriever took off down the sidewalk.

They walked in a comfortable silence, but even if it was silent, one of their minds was on overdrive. It was Kate, every time she looked at Liam she thought about all the times he saved her. It was stuck in her head.

She felt something warm grab her right hand, she looked over and saw that Liam had took her hand into his, pizza dog barked lightly at the shifter making him grin. "You alright?" Liam asked.

Kate blushed lightly, her heart started to race. "Why do I feel like this?" She asked herself. "I'm fine." She answered Liam's questions.

The two walked hand in hand to a small breakfast restaurant, the two let go of each other's hands before stepping into the restaurant and took a seat at one of the tables, the two sat across from each other.

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