Chapter 26-Back on track

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Liam checked his phone only to find out that Clint texted him back, he was making it clear that he wanted him out of the city, he didn't call Elliott but he even sounded really upset over text.

C: Kid, I can't tell you enough, you need to let this go, it won't end well for you or Kate.

L: I want to help, Clint. We both do, we know exactly what we got into the moment they attacked the auction.

C: You really don't get it do you? like I told you last night, this is serious, and you could get seriously hurt. Even die.

L: Oh, really? It's not like I haven't nearly died multiple times on this damn mission!

C: That's my point, you nearly died. Multiple times!

L: And I chose to do what I did.

C: You're not gonna listen to me are you?

L: No, I'm not going too, I can't just let you do this alone, it's just who I am.

C: good luck having your girlfriend track my phone, stay out of this Liam.

The mans text deleted themselves, his contact was erased, his phone was off, it was like he never existed.

"Damnit!" The shifter grunted in frustration, Kate on the other hand was all over the room calling Clint constantly, leaving messages like a crazy person. Even if his phone was shut off, it was worth a try.

She was persistent, determined, nothing could stop her. That was till she flicked a coin like how Clint taught her, she ended up nearly hitting Liam who had to dodge the coin, it broke something behind him.

"Just as soon as you were saying you knew what you were doing." Liam let himself fall to the floor on his back.

"Sorry!" Kate shouted.

"Hey, I got an idea." Liam stood to his feet, he grabbed his duffel bag and placed it on the bed. "I got this." He pulled out a small phone like object. "It can track any signal, burner phones, phones that have been shut off, anything." He grabbed Kates phone and placed it next to the device, instantly it picked up Clint's position. "See, I'm amazing."

"No, that's just—"

"Shut it, you tracked him before."

"Oh, I did?"

"Oh dear God."

"Okay let's just ignore that and let's get ready." Kate suggested as she threw Liam's bag at him, the force nocking him backwards onto the ground. "Sorry!"

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