Chapter 21-Arrows

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Liam was awoken by a cold and wet feeling on his face. He raised his hand and shoved whatever it was that was messing with him away. "What the hell." He opened one of his eyes only to be met with the hyper active golden retriever lucky. "Hay! Back off!" Liam laughed as he kept the dog away from him.

"You're finally up." Liam looked up to see Kate leaning over the couch looking down at him.

"Needed my 8 hours." The shifter yawned as he sat up and stretched his tight muscles, his back popping with his stretch. "The couch is the best." He said sarcastically as he got to his feet. "Where's Clint?" Liam asked.

"Oh, he just left, he's going to have a talk with Kazi." Kate explained, Liam noticed she had on purple pants and a long sleeve with her favorite coat.

"Let me guess, he wants us to stay put?" Liam put on his boots, already in his jeans and black long sleeve.

"Not exactly. He wants me to get our arrows." Kate said with a slight grin on her face.

When Liam looked at the girl, he remembered the memory of what happened last night, it was still fresh in his mind. The shifter lightly blushed, thankfully Kate didn't notice so he tried to play it off. "So, run me through the plan."

The shifter, Archer and the golden retriever walked out of the apartment and started to walk where they needed to go. "Central park, Clint says the LARPer's could help us locate the arrows, or the one who's a cop."

"The LARPer's, huh." Liam flashed back to the time he nearly killed Wendy. "Yeah, let's go."

Kate noticed the shift in Liam's tone, she didn't know what happened out decided not to ask but to help him she took his right hand into hers, interlocking their fingers.

Liam looked down at their intertwined hands with a little smile, he appreciated the soft gesture from the girl.

The two and lucky walked quietly towards Central Park, they had a few moments where the dog would try to chase a squirrel or another dog but they didn't have any big problems on the way.

Once they entered the park, Liam instantly picked up on a group of people in the distance yelling random words. They walked towards the sound and finally they were met with the LARPer's doing their little 'training'.

They walked up to the group. "Hey, I, uh... I don't mean to interrupt..." they continued with their movements, scarring lucky in the process. "Wow, you guys are... dedicated."

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