Chapter 23-Am I a hero?

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Imagine your hero, someone you look up too, imagine them holding a gun, pointing it at you, and threatening you, imagine the feeling that goes through you as you see down the barrel. It's a cold feeling.

Right now, Liam felt it, Kate felt it, they both felt that cold feeling as they walked through the cold, dark and quiet city streets.

It was a punch in the gut, it told them a lot. "Kate." Liam said quietly. "My hotel is just around here."

The girl looked at Liam, her eyes gazing over the cuts on his face, a face that was tired. "I need to get home, I—I just wanna—"

"Stay with me." Liam cut her off. "Or just clean up in my apartment before you go home. If Clint does what he said... I might not be able to see you again." The last sentence was quite, Liam's voice broke.

Kate hesitated for a second before nodding. "Okay... just for a little."

After this was said, the two walked silently towards the hotel, same thing as they walked inside. The receptionist looked at the two in confusion and worry.

"Excuse me, but are you two okay? You both are bleeding, do you need me to call—"

Liam raised his hand, cutting her off. "Please, don't worry, we're fine. We just had an accident when we were ice skating."

The woman behind the desk looked at the suspiciously. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Liam nodded and gave a fake smile. "We we're actually going to clean up in my room, so, excuse us." The shifter walked forward, pulling Kate with him.

It was still silent as they were in the elevator and the walk to the room. But as soon as they got in, Kate fell to her knees, tears falling down her cheeks. "I... I don't know what to do." Kate whispered lowly, her sobs were loud. "I'm... I'm not meant to be a hero."

Liam looked down at Kate in sadness, he let out a deep breath before sitting on the floor in front of her, his eyes scanned her face, she was broken. "Hey, look at me." Liam placed his hand on the side of her face, her hand instantly grabbed onto it. Her eyes now meeting his.

Liam gave her a gently smile and rubbed her cheek gently with his thumb. "he didn't mean what he said. He... he doesn't know that you have so much potential, you can and will be a hero, I believe in you." Liam touched her forward with his.

The girl sniffled and closed her eyes. "He pointed a gun at you and threatened you. How are you not upset?"

"I've had many guns pointed at me in my life time. Lethal ones, I don't care much anymore. Also, I believe Clint did what he did because he's scared that one of us will get hurt or killed." Liam took a deep breath as he leaned away from Kate, but kept his hand on her cheek. "Let's get cleaned up, I have some clothes you can borrow. Tomorrow you can talk to your mom, right now, let's rest."

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