Chapter 15-Crazy car ride

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Liam and Kate fought off a few more people after their fight with Kazi, Clint finally showed up but almost instantly there was a problem.

"My hearing aid is slashed. Come on, we gotta go." Clint called out to the two as the walked down some stairs heading to the front door.

"But that girl still has my bow." Kate complained.

"We'll get it later." Liam pushed Kate forward. The shifter pulled out his now cracked phone and pushed a button, seconds later the sound of a drone could be heard in the air. "Finally."

The three ran out of the little abandoned wearhouse, the warm sun and cold air hit the shifters face, the drone noise only getting louder.

Clint taking the lead outside he ran to find a car. "We need a car."

Kate's eyes instantly met with a old school sports car, a '72 challenger. "Oh, can we take this one? Man this thing is beautiful."

The sound of a window braking caught their attention, the two looked at Clint to see he broke the window of a old car that didn't look all that well. "I'm not smashin' a '72 Challenger. Come on." He got down to Hotwire the car.

Kate looked at Liam in disappointment, the shifter only shrugged. "Not my choice."

"Let's go!" Clint called out.

"Yes, boss." Kate sighed before running over to Clint.

A bag landed in front of Liam, he looked up seeing the Stark tech drone fly away. "Thank you." Liam ran over to the car where Clint and Kate were.

Liam opened the bag seeing his combat suit, thankfully the jeans he was wearing were apart of the suit. "I'll try to be of use." The shifter removed his hoodie and shirt.

Kates eyes widened before she quickly looked away in a panic. "What are you doing!?"

"Getting ready." Liam put on a black long sleeve and then a vest with many pockets, a gift from the blond black widow, he then put on some gloves with a metal outline.

He stuffed a few types of grenades into the pockets, attached a pistol and grappling hook to his hip."Kate, I'll get your bow back." Liam finally finished getting ready and almost instantly the Tracksuits ran out of the building firing at them instantly. "Get in!"

Two of the tracksuits ran at the truck, but they were both shot in the chest, they fell to the ground with a blue smoke emitting from where they got hit. "Liam!"

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