Chapter 29-The start of the storm

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Liam walked closely behind Kate, his right hand on her hip, the shifter had a low look on his face, both calm and intimidating.

The three swiftly made it into the building without any problems, the people at the front already knowing Liam was showing up.

Up an up a few floors and down a hallway, they finally made it to the party, instantly everyone was taken back by the shifters appearance. "They love me." Liam stated.

"I'm sure they do." Clint commented sarcastically.

Kates eyes scanned the room, looking for her mom, though she was nowhere in sight. "I don't see my mom yet."

"Why don't you tell me what you do see?" Clint asked the girl. "What are our assets, what are our threats?"

"Hmm. Threats? That guy." Lima looked over seeing the man who annoyed the hell out of him. Gary. "That's Gary. He fired me from one of the only jobs I ever had. Assets?" Kate scanned the room seeing all the LARPERs around them, each one of them doing a different job. "We have those all over the party."

"Look at you, becoming all serious and cool, you pick up on things quickly." Liam pulled the girl into him, her back against his chest. "Also, I never got to compliment your dress, it looks really good."

Kate smiled thankfully at the boy. "Thank you, Liam."

In the distance the shifter saw Jack greeting a few people. "Huh, mans already out of jail. And look at that, he's got a sword."

"So, Jack wielding a sword, just out of jail for allegedly murdering somebody with one." Clint added.

"Maybe it's just his way of proving that he really is innocent?" Kate asked.

"It's a wired flex, but sure."

"Huh, he just earned more of my respect." Liam let go of Kate and walked over to a table that had a few drinks on it. He grabbed the entire wine bottle.

"Hey, what are you doing—" the person that was about to complain immediately shut up as he met the gaze of the six foot body guard. "Uh, s-sorry but you can't take the whole bottle."

Liam was about to drink it to show he didn't care but it was snatched out of his hands by Kate. "Sorry, he's a little frustrated right now. Please forgive him." Kate apologized and grabbed Liam's wrist, starting to pull him away. "You don't do that Liam. Bad dog."

"I'm not a dog. I'm a wolf." Liam muttered, letting his girlfriend drag him over to Clint who only shook his head.

You two." He let out an unamused sigh. "Anyways, take this. Stay on comms you two, okay?" Clint handed over to of the small ear devices.

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