Chapter 32-Kate meets the Shifters

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The holidays were amazing, the smells, lights, and food were some of the best parts of Christmas. Though nothing will top the feeling of being with family during this time.

The shifter and his Archer girlfriend were driving towards the main town in the country where the main mansion, North and Ruby had told him this new one was bigger then the last one.

"So, your own country. Nice." Kate looked over at her boyfriend who was the one driving the car. "I remember the press conference, it's nice to see that all of the shifters hard work paid off."

"It was formed from a lot of bloodshed, we lost a lot of lives when they raided our hideout, the a day later we went to war with them and lost more, still, I think no one regrets the decision to fight." Liam made a left turn, in front of them was a graveyard.

"Uh, Liam?"

"I want you to meet someone." Liam parked the car and got out, the cold wind making Liam's trench coat flap in the wind, snowflakes falling down from the sky slowly.

Kate followed and got out of the car, she had on a similar coat. "How long has it been?" She walked over to the shifter, standing next to him.

"Eight years." Liam answered. He grabbed Kate's hand and lead her into the graveyard. The area around them was covered in thick blanket of snow, the trees stripped of their green leaves.

The shifter found that the snow made it oddly comfortable for a place that represented death. "I haven't been here in awhile, I missed it." Liam muttered, his eyes focused on the path ahead.

Kate looked over to the shifter, noticing that he was a little down, it made her feel horrible. But she didn't say anything and just followed him, letting him lead her to wherever he was going.

It was a quiet walk, the two didn't have much else to say. Their emotions were told just by the way they held each other's hand.

"We're here." Kate looked forward and saw a grave stone, it was covered in snow, the flowers that were around it were dead. The stone was covered in little Christmas decorations.

Liam let go of Kates hand and walked over to the grave stone, he kneeled in front of the stone. "Hey dad. It's be awhile."

It then hit Kate that they were here to see his dad, she remembered him bringing it up once but that's it. So she walked over to him and kneeled next to him, putting her gloved hand on his shoulder.

Liam pulled out a small cross and placed it on the grave. "You wouldn't believe what we went through the past week. We fought a group called the Tracksuits, crazy huh? Also almost died a few times but I'm fine so don't worry. I know you would of kicked my ass if you were still here." Liam's little laugh made Kate smile, the shifter pointed to Kate. "And this is Kate! She's my girlfriend, I met here in New York, and we fought side by side! She's awesome and you would of loved her, she's kinda like mom, strong but also extremely nice."

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