Chapter 27-A startling discovery

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Death is scary, the concept that someone you love can leave you in an instant makes everything around you go numb, it's one thing you want to forget.

For the young shifter, he was afraid that he would soon see the ones he loves die around him.

Liam's eyes were filled with tears, tears that slid down his face, carrying blood with them, his eyes were dark, lifeless, they were broken.

"Why... this can't be happening."

In front of him laid the people he loved, they laid lifeless on the cold snow covered ground, each of them killed in different ways.

His mothers throat was ripped out, Elliott's torso was cut in half, Natasha's skull was cracked in, North's face was completely ripped off, Rica had three holes through her head, and Kate's heart was ripped out of her chest. Each of them died in horrific inhumane ways.

Liam wanted to vomit after seeing what was in front of him, the sight was making him dizzy. All the blood, all the organs that were ripped out for the world to see was braking him mentally.

"My, my, look at you, seeing one of my visions." A feminine voice called, her voice was disgustingly sweet, it had a tone of playfulness, a tone that shook Liam.

He froze, he was too scared to look behind him, too afraid to face whatever monster did this. "Look at me when I speak to you boy."

Liam's breath shook, he felt like he needed to obey what she said, so he turned around to meet the person who was talking. When he saw the woman, she was completely different from what he imagined. "W-who are you."

The woman had blood red hair and white skin, a pair of wolf ears on her head, and 10 tails behind her, all in the same blood red color. Her eyes were a tone of purple and red, her cheeks had pink markings that looked to resemble whiskers.

Her clothing gave her an intimidating look, it made her look elegant, beautiful, deadly. Her black dress stuck to her body, the end of it stoping just above her knees, a white coat over her shoulders that went down to her hips, and healed boots.

"You'll learn my name in due time, all you need to know is that I'm a god." She grinned, showing her sharp canine teeth. She raised her hand, Liam saw her nails were sharper then many knives.

The woman placed a nail against the shifters neck, a sick smile on her face. "For all its worth, I didn't want to do this, but that failed mission of yours... you killed them, it's all your fault. They died because of you."

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