Chapter 31-Acceptance is hard

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It was quiet, too quiet, it was so quiet you couldn't hear snowflakes hitting the ground.

Liam limped forwarded towards the ice-skating rink, his blood dripped to the ground slowly, it hurt be right now all he cared about was helping.

When he finally made it to the rink he saw all of the tracksuits laid out on the floor, all of them were out cold, some had arrows in them. "How long was I out?" Liam muttered.

When he looked down he saw Clint and Yelena, both of them were fighting, Yelena had pure anger on her face, full of sadness and regret.

"Hey! Stop!" Liam shifted into his wolf painfully and ran towards the stairs that led to the rink.

The shifter jumped over the 4 foot glass wall and landed on the ice, nearly slipping a few times. "Yelena! Stop it!" Liam shouted, he begged for her to stop, he didn't want this to escalate.

"держись подальше от этого. (Stay out of this.)" she pulled out her baton and started to hit Clint harshly in the face, making her anger known.

Liam's eyes widened as she continued, she didn't stop, she was going to kill him.

"Yelena!" Liam ran forward, he put all of his strength into his legs and tackled her to the ground. He shifted back to his human form and wrapped his arms around her torso, he used his legs to hold her legs down.

"пожалуйста остановись. (Please stop.)" he begged.

"отпусти меня сейчас же, Арден. (Let me go now, Arden.)" Yelena said quietly, her eyes started to fill with tears, she tried to get out of the boys grip, but she couldn't.

"Я не отпущу тебя. Не снова. (I'm not letting you go. Not again.)" Liam placed his chin on her shoulder and held her tighter, his mouth next to her ear. "Я должен был быть там, чтобы помочь тебе. (I should of been there to help you.)"

Clint got to his feet and walked over to the two, he kneeled in front of Yelena, he pulled something out of his pocket, it was the golden necklace. "She wouldn't stop talking about you. She missed you so much, Yelena." Clint place the necklace down on the ice in front of her.

The widow's eyes widened when she saw the necklace, she practically broke down then and there. "H-how?"

Liam let her go, she didn't attack Clint but went for the necklace, the woman got on her knees and grabbed it, she looked behind the Diamond cross and saw some words that made her let out a quiet sob. 'My everything. My love. My family. The only one who owns my heart.'

"The kid found it at the auction." Clint pointed at Liam.

The shifter moved so he was in front of Yelena on his knees. Liam grabbed her free hand and held it tightly in his, making her know that he was here for her, to help her in her time of despair. "Она любила тебя. И ничего не изменит, но она ушла. (She loved you. And nothing will change that, but she's gone.)" Liam rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb gently. "Clint didn't kill her. She died protecting him and getting rid of the Takeo gang."

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