The interception part 1

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Narrator's POV

After a while of walking back to Mt. Sierra Madre, the soldiers of the Philippine army was slowed because of the dark roads they had to cross and because there Japanese are on there tale, they can't use lights nor fire to at least light the way they where going so they had to be couscous when they had to climb mountainous regions. But unknowingly to the soldiers the Japanese had already established a large strike force near Cabanatuan city's Prison camp for they thought they would go there too but the administration of the Empire of Japan has also established checkpoints all around the mountains near Manila and the Cagayan Valley where they think they could come to for refuge.

Martial law's POV

Sino ang may gustong mag mansid sa harap bago tayo mag patuloy?

(Who wants to scout the front before we move on?)

Eduardo's POV

Ako po!


Diporamos' POV

Ako po!


Lablabon's POV

Ako po!


Parantig's POV

Ako po!


Martial Law's POV

Lahat kayong mga nag kusang mag patala ay mga bayani. *tears drop* Ingatan nawa kayo! *salutes*

(All of you who voluntarily enroll are heroes. May you be careful!)

Four scouts

*Salutes back* 

Martial Law's POV

Sige ito ang pook kung saan kayo mag mamansid...

(All right, this is the place where you can observe ...)

Narrator's POV

After showing them the area of operation the scout party went on to look for a viable area to cross the valley to reach the main task force but unfortunately...

Eduardo's POV

Meron ka bang nakikitang mga lugar kung saan tayo makakapunta?

(Do you see any places we can go?)

Parantig's POV


(None...) (Ilocano)

*Three Gun shots*

Eduardo's POV

Ano 'yon? Diporamos? Lablabon? Parantig! Ano ang nangyari?

(What's that? Diporamos? Lablabon? Parantig! What's the matter?)


Narratoe's POV

But then suddenly, something fell on his foot...

Eduardo's POV

Ano to? *opens a flashlight* AHHHHH!!!!

(What is this?)

Narrator's POV

After observing it he saw that it was the body of his friend Parantig.


*drops her hand on his shoulder* Greetings...

To be continued...

Hello guys sorry for the late chapter... this was supposed to be due since last week's Sunday so I am sorry for keeping you all waiting...

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